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Public Health Assessment
Fish and Shellfish Evaluation,
Isla de Vieques Bombing Range,
Vieques, Puerto Rico

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June 27, 2003
Prepared by:

Federal Facilities Assessment Branch
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Error processing SSI file


Table 1.

2000 US Census Data for Vieques
Parameter Number of Residents Percent of Total Residents
Total residents 9,106 100%
Men 4,512 50%
Women 4,594 50%
Women of childbearing age (15-44) 1,701 19%
Children (age 6 and under) 1,001 11%
Elderly (age 65 and over) 1,263 14%

Source: US Bureau of the Census 2000

Notes: According to the 2000 census data, 2,366 families lived on Vieques.

The 2000 census data include residents living on Navy lands and in the residential areas.

Table 2.

Summary of Metal Analysis in Fiddler Crabs Sampled by Casa Pueblo de Adjuntas and the University of Puerto Rico
Metal Average Concentration in Crab Extremities (ppm) Average Concentration in Crab Bodies (ppm)
Puerto Mosquito Icaco Lagoon Puerto Mosquito Icaco Lagoon
Cadmium 1.74 4.77 2.24 8.05
Chromium 25.48 23.07 40.27 40.70
Cobalt 12.17 9.82 10.32 35.69
Copper 49.94 51.18 381.75 499.91
Manganese 86.56 37.17 199.96 97.75
Nickel 17.15 7.02 21.81 18.95
Zinc 62.99 61.91 120.80 75.59

Source: Massol Deyá and Díaz 2000a

Notes: Averages are reported in dry weight concentrations.

ND = not detected

Table 3.

Summary of Metal Analysis in Fish Fillets Sampled by Universidad Metropolitana
Metal Northern Vieques Esperanza Parquera (mainland Puerto Rico)
Range (ppm) Average Frequency of Detections Range Average Frequency of Detections Range Average Frequency of Detections
Arsenic 0.02-7.2 0.81 35/35 0.15-1.41 0.52 17/17 0.14-4.2 1.2 22/26
Cadmium ND ND 0/35 ND ND 0/17 0.028 0.028 1/26
Lead ND ND 0/35 0.2 0.2 1/17 ND ND 0/26
Mercury 0.004-0.1 0.024 28/35 0.008-0.38 0.02 16/17 0.002-0.052 0.011 17/26
Selenium 0.12-1.3 0.6 35/35 0.17-0.83 0.49 17/17 0.1-0.5 0.24 25/26
Zinc 1.2-9.1 3.8 35/35 3.3-8.2 5.4 17/17 0.7-6.2 3.0 26/26

Source: Caro et al. 2000

Note: It was not noted in the study if the concentrations were reported as wet weight concentrations or dry weight concentrations.

ND = not detected

Table 4.

Summary of Metal Analysis in Fish Skins Sampled by Universidad Metropolitana
  Northern Vieques Esperanza Parquera (mainland Puerto Rico)
Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections
Arsenic 0.07-4.46 0.58 32/35 0.19-1.7 0.73 17/17 0.07-10 1.4 24/26
Cadmium ND ND 0/35 ND ND 0/17 ND ND 0/26
Lead 0.024-3.23 0.44 8/35 0.046-0.865 0.36 3/17 0.04-0.88 0.27 6/26
Mercury 0.002-0.12 0.026 22/35 0.004-0.063 0.02 10/17 0.003-0.06 0.017 14/26
Selenium 0.076-1.35 0.67 34/35 0.127-0.93 0.44 9/17 0.14-1.34 0.39 22/26
Zinc 0.5-28.7 11.4 34/35 7.2-23.3 13.1 17/17 4.4-59.2 13.2 26/26

Source: Caro et al. 2000

Note: It was not noted in the study if the concentrations were reported as wet weight concentrations or dry weight concentrations.

ND = not detected

Table 5.

Summary of Chemicals Detected in Fiddler Crabs from the LIA and West Vieques
Chemical Live Impact Area West Vieques
Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections
Aluminum 65-240 146 4/4 736-1,250 993 2/2
Antimony ND ND 0/4 NS NS NS
Arsenic 6.6-8.8 7.8 4/4 12.0-12.2 12.1 2/2
Barium 11-43 25.0 4/4 55.8-63.5 59.7 2/2
Beryllium ND ND 0/4 ND ND 0/2
Boron NS NS NS 21.4-23.2 22.3 2/2
Cadmium 0.13-1.0 0.56 4/4 0.115-1.0 0.56 2/2
Calcium 110,000 - 160,000 132,500 4/4 159,000 - 175,000 167,000 2/2
Chromium 0.49-3.8 1.59 4/4 1.11-1.56 1.34 2/2
Cobalt 0.27-0.34 0.29 4/4 0.549 0.549 1/2
Copper 78-180 131 4/4 127-203 165 2/2
Iron 33-550 328 4/4 384-1,240 812 2/2
Lead ND ND 0/4 0.667-11.7 6.18 2/2
Magnesium 9,300 - 13,000 11,325 4/4 13,700 - 14,800 14,250 2/2
Manganese 4.3-16 10.9 4/4 49.6-63.1 56.4 2/2
Mercury ND ND 0/4 0.0678-0.0725 0.0702 2/2
Molybdenum NS NS NS 1.04-1.56 1.3 2/2
Nickel 0.98-1.0 0.99 2/4 ND ND 0/2
Phosphorous NS NS NS 6,750-7,900 7,325 2/2
Potassium 6,800-7,500 7,200 4/4 4,900-5,410 5,155 2/2
Selenium 1.2-2.4 1.9 4/4 1.27-1.35 1.31 2/2
Silver 0.21-0.37 0.32 4/4 NS NS NS
Sodium 12,000 - 14,000 13,250 4/4 154,000 - 177,000 165,500 2/2
Strontium NS NS NS 2,480-2,550 2,515 2/2
Sulfur NS NS NS 5,080-6,080 5,580 2/2
Thallium ND ND 0/4 NS NS NS
Vanadium 0.34-1.1 0.65 4/4 1.55-2.63 2.09 2/2
Zinc 86-97 91 4/4 78.6-95.0 86.8 2/2
p,p'-DDE NS NS NS 0.178 0.178 1/2
Explosives compounds
HMX 0.81-0.97 0.90 4/4 NS NS NS

Sources: LIA: ATSDR and EPA/ERT's 2001 sampling; West Vieques: FWS 2001a, 2001b

Notes: Values are reported in dry weight concentrations.

Rinsing fiddler crabs of sand and dirt was inadvertently omitted prior to placing them into sample containers.

ATSDR also analyzed fiddler crabs in the Live Impact Area for RDX, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene, nitrobenzene, nitroglycerin, 2-nitrotoluene, 3-nitrotoluene, 4-nitrotoluene, tetryl, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. For all samples, chemicals were found below detection limits.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service also analyzed fiddler crabs in West Vieques for HCB, PCB-1242, PCB-1248, PCB-1254, PCB-1260, PCB-total, alpha BHC, alpha chlordane, beta BHC, cis-nonachlor, delta BHC, dieldrin, endrin, gamma BHC, gamma chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, mirex, o,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT, oxychlordane, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDT, toxaphene and trans-nonachlor. For all samples, chemicals were found below detection limits.

ND = not detected

NS = not sampled

Table 6.

Summary of Land Crab Sampling in West Vieques by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chemical West Vieques St. Croix (control)
Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections
Aluminum 213-399 303 4/4 128-192 160 3/3
Arsenic 1.06-1.89 1.58 4/4 1.53-2.8 2.17 3/3
Barium 15-143 68.5 4/4 6.66-10.3 8.78 3/3
Beryllium ND ND 0/4 ND ND 0/3
Boron 3.75-6.89 5.03 4/4 4.38-9.55 6.46 3/3
Cadmium 0.0337-0.656 0.196 4/4 0.0228-0.0402 0.0315 2/3
Calcium 43,080-65,600 51,820 4/4 43,750-51,520 48,227 3/3
Chromium 0.365-0.699 0.556 4/4 0.284-0.342 0.321 3/3
Cobalt 0.21-0.31 0.28 3/4 ND ND 0/3
Copper 28.2-44.4 37.2 4/4 23.5-39.7 30.6 3/3
Iron 116-306 185 4/4 17.8-23.7 21 3/3
Lead 0.291-2.05 0.799 4/4 0.287-0.366 0.333 3/3
Magnesium 3,770-5,617 4,651 4/4 3,815-4,563 4,147 3/3
Manganese 9.15-24.1 17.5 4/4 3.81-4.52 4.16 3/3
Mercury 0.0081-0.0216 0.0125 4/4 0.0091-0.0145 0.0124 3/3
Molybdenum ND ND 0/4 ND ND 0/3
Nickel 0.172-0.418 0.297 4/4 ND ND 0/3
Phosphorous 2,686-3,145 2,815 4/4 2,838-3,316 3,147 3/3
Potassium 1,920-2,175 2,023 4/4 1,903-2,240 2,092 3/3
Selenium 0.0697-0.165 0.124 4/4 0.0732-0.143 0.105 3/3
Sodium 5,019-6,027 5,336 4/4 5,040-5,710 5,301 3/3
Strontium 475-959 659 4/4 556-747 671 3/3
Sulfur 1,410-1,926 1,669 4/4 1,575-1,965 1,759 3/3
Vanadium 0.445-0.64 0.518 4/4 ND ND 0/3
Zinc 35.5-87.5 52.3 4/4 33.6-47.6 38.7 3/3
p,p'-DDE 0.13 0.13 1/4 ND ND 0/3
p,p'-DDT 0.028 0.028 1/4 ND ND 0/3

Sources: FWS 2001a, 2001b

Notes: Values are reported in wet weight concentrations.

HCB, PCB-1242, PCB-1248, PCB-1254, PCB-1260, PCB-total, alpha BHC, alpha chlordane, beta BHC, cis-nonachlor, delta BHC, dieldrin, endrin, gamma BHC, gamma chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, mirex, o,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT, oxychlordane, p,p'-DDD, toxaphene and trans-nonachlor were also analyzed. For all samples, chemicals were found below detection limits.

ND = not detected

Table 7.

Fish and Shellfish Collected by ATSDR
Taxonomic Group Latin Name Loc. #1 Loc. #2 Loc. #3 Loc. #4 Loc. #5 Loc. #6
Red Hind Epinephelus guttatus 5 1 0 5 5 3
Rock Hind Epinephelus adscensionis 0 4 4 0 0 0
Graysby Epinephelus cruentatus 0 0 1 0 0 0
Coney Epinephelus fulvus 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total # Serranidae family Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5
Schoolmaster Snapper Lutjanus apodus 0 3 2 0 0 0
Grey Snapper Lutjanus griseus 0 2 1 0 0 0
Yellowtail Snapper Ocyurus chrysurus 0 0 1 2 5 3
Total # Lutjanidae family Total = 0 Total = 5 Total = 4 Total = 2 Total = 5 Total = 3
Stoplight Parrotfish Sparisoma viride 4 1 5 4 0 5
Redband Parrotfish Sparisoma aurofrenatum 1 3 0 1 0 0
Redfin Parrotfish Sparisoma rubripinne 0 1 0 0 0 0
Total # Scaridae family Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 0 Total = 5
White Grunt Haemulon plumieri 0 2 0 0 5 0
Spanish Grunt Haemulon macrostomum 0 0 1 0 0 0
Bluestriped Grunt Haemulon sciurus 5 3 4 0 0 0
French Grunt Haemulon flavolineatum 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total # Haemulidae family Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 5 Total = 0 Total = 5 Total = 4
Yellow Goatfish Mulloidichthys martinicus 0 0 3 0 0 1
Spotted Goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total # Mullidae family Total = 1 Total = 0 Total = 3 Total = 0 Total = 0 Total = 1
Honeycomb Cowfish Lactophrys polygonia 0 0 0 0 1 0
Queen Conch Strombus gigas 5 5 5 0 0 5
Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus 1 0 1 0 5 0
Blue Land Crab Cardisoma guanhumi 5 5 0 0 0 1
Fiddler Crab Uca sp. 2 2 0 0 0 0

Note: Blue land crabs and fiddler crabs are listed by the number of tissue samples analyzed, not by the number of individuals captured. The meat from several land crabs was composited until a sufficient quantity of meat was obtained. Fiddler crabs were analyzed en masse to ensure a sufficient sample was collected for analysis.

Table 8.

Summary of Chemical Analysis in Fish Sampled by ATSDR
Chemical Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Frequency of Detections
Aluminum 2.59-14 7.66 75/104
Antimony ND ND 0/104
Arsenic 0.5-29.3 3.95 76/104
Barium 0.06-6.59 0.24 80/104
Beryllium 0.01-0.02 0.016 20/104
Cadmium 0.08 0.08 1/104
Calcium 71.3-5,330 777 104/104
Chromium 0.05-1.99 0.16 98/104
Cobalt 0.06-0.11 0.08 7/104
Copper 0.11-8.21 0.56 97/104
Iron 1.9-57.8 6.81 62/104
Lead 0.16-1.94 0.27 36/104
Magnesium 257-648 330 104/104
Manganese 0.11-3.09 0.33 68/104
Mercury 0.02-0.33 0.12 81/104
Methylmercury 0.02-0.08 0.05 3/3
Nickel 0.35-1.28 0.81 2/104
Potassium 3,230-7,340 3,870 104/104
Selenium 0.63-2.48 0.98 104/104
Silver 0.07-0.11 0.08 4/104
Sodium 214-2,590 468 104/104
Thallium ND ND 0/104
Vanadium 0.09 0.09 1/104
Zinc 0.54-24.7 3.13 99/104
Explosives compounds
1,3-Dinitrobenzene ND ND 0/104
2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
2-amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
4-amino-2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
HMX ND ND 0/104
Nitrobenzene ND ND 0/104
Nitroglycerin ND ND 0/104
2-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
3-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
4-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/104
RDX ND ND 0/104
Tetryl ND ND 0/104
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene ND ND 0/104
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene ND ND 0/104

Notes: Averages were calculated using detected values only.

Values are reported in wet weight concentrations.

ND = not detected

Table 9.

Summary of Chemical Analysis in Shellfish Sampled by ATSDR
Chemical Range(ppm) Average(ppm) Frequency of Detections
Aluminum 3.2-43.9 15.5 26/38
Antimony ND ND 0/38
Arsenic 1.15-48.3 11.1 28/38
Barium 0.09-7.25 2.21 26/38
Beryllium 0.014-0.018 0.016 5/38
Cadmium 0.2-0.69 0.36 21/38
Calcium 146-7,020 2,090 38/38
Chromium 0.076-1.29 0.19 36/38
Cobalt 0.063-0.088 0.079 7/38
Copper 1.35-17.6 7.83 38/38
Iron 1.62-162 36.3 14/22
Lead 0.17-0.57 0.25 9/38
Magnesium 251-4,350 1,820 38/38
Manganese 0.16-5.06 2.49 34/38
Mercury 0.018-0.049 0.031 16/38
Methylmercury 0.019 0.019 1/1
Nickel ND ND 0/38
Potassium 2,510-4,540 3,440 38/38
Selenium 0.43-1.16 0.8 38/38
Silver 0.07-0.19 0.1 13/38
Sodium 1,140-4,100 2,330 38/38
Thallium ND ND 0/38
Vanadium 0.051-0.27 0.11 16/38
Zinc 5.41-96.6 30.1 38/38
Explosives compounds
1,3-Dinitrobenzene ND ND 0/38
2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
2-amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
4-amino-2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
HMX ND ND 0/38
Nitrobenzene ND ND 0/38
Nitroglycerin ND ND 0/38
2-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
3-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
4-Nitrotoluene ND ND 0/38
RDX ND ND 0/38
Tetryl ND ND 0/38
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene ND ND 0/38
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene ND ND 0/38

Notes: This table only includes the results for edible species of shellfish. Please see Table 5 for a summary of the fiddler crab data.

Averages were calculated using detected values only.

Values are reported in wet weight concentrations.

The non-detected results for sixteen iron samples were regarded as unusable during the validation process because iron displayed a strong interference in the analysis of the samples (probably due to the high concentration of calcium).

ND = not detected

Table 10.

Summary of Chemical Analysis in Cowfish 54
Chemical Concentration (ppm) Frequency of Detections Chemical Concentration (ppm) Frequency of Detections
Metals Explosives compounds
Aluminum 4.3 1/1 1,3-Dinitrobenzene ND 0/1
Antimony ND 0/1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 0/1
Arsenic 29.3 1/1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 0/1
Barium 0.15 1/1 2-amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 0/1
Beryllium ND 0/1 4-amino-2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 0/1
Cadmium ND 0/1 HMX ND 0/1
Calcium 360 1/1 Nitrobenzene ND 0/1
Chromium 0.08 1/1 Nitroglycerin ND 0/1
Cobalt ND 0/1 2-Nitrotoluene ND 0/1
Copper 0.36 1/1 3-Nitrotoluene ND 0/1
Iron ND 0/1 4-Nitrotoluene ND 0/1
Lead ND 0/1 RDX ND 0/1
Magnesium 338 1/1 Tetryl ND 0/1
Manganese ND 0/1 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene ND 0/1
Mercury ND 0/1 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene ND 0/1
Nickel ND 0/1

Notes: Values are reported in wet weight concentrations.

ND = not detected

Potassium 3,825 1/1
Selenium 2.5 1/1
Silver ND 0/1
Sodium 743 1/1
Thallium ND 0/1
Vanadium ND 0/1
Zinc 3.2 1/1

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