Dream is Possible: Brownfields to Healthfields

Dream is Possible: Brownfields to Healthfields

In the Dream is Possible: Brownfields to Healthfields videos, communities show other communities how they are improving access to health and healthcare through redevelopment. We are hope that communities throughout the country will look at these examples and see Brownfields through a health lens. We hope that this video will provide a tremendous opportunity for your community to use the resources that we have talked about to have a positive impact on the health of your community.

Tampa, Florida
Part 1: Tampa, Florida – East Tampa will discuss the resources they used to have a positive impact on the health of their community:
  1. EPA Brownfields and federal stimulus funding to obtain the land
  2. Health Resources Services Administration funding to build from the ground up
  3. National Health Services Corp to build from the ground up

museum photo: Mulberry, Florida
Part 2: Mulberry, Florida – The City of Mulberry will show the steps that they used to have a positive impact on the health of their community.
  1. Conduct a needs assessment
  2. Document health disparities
  3. Form partnerships
  4. Be mentored by other federally qualified health centers
  5. Evaluate environmental data of future sites
  6. Leverage funding

On April 9, 2015, after five years of working and waiting, the citizens of Mulberry and surrounding communities celebrated the ribbon cutting of the Mulberry Health Center. A broad range of partners including the Central Florida Regional Planning Council, City of Mulberry, Mulberry Concerned Citizens, Central Florida Health Care, US Environmental Protection Agency, Health Resource Services Administration, Department of Agriculture (Community Visioning) and so many more have delivered health care to an area that has been without access for so long.

See the opening of the new Mulberry Health Center

Resources featured in the “Dream is Possible: Brownfields to Healthfields” video:

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

National Health Service Corps

EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization

City of Tampa

East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area

City of Mulberry

Central Florida Regional Planning Council

Federally Qualified Health Centers featured:

Tampa Family Health Centers

Central Florida Health Care, Inc.