ATSDR Documents

ATSDR prepared to a variety of documents to communicate about the public health assessment process and our findings. The products developed for the Kerr-McGee site are listed below.

Public Health Assessments (PHA)

ATSDR has released two final Public Health Assessments:

Exposure Investigations (EI)

ATSDR conducted two Exposure Investigations:

Fact Sheets

What is a Public Health Assessment?

A Public Health Assessment (PHA) is a document that examines hazardous substances, health outcomes, and community concerns at a hazardous waste site to:

    • Determine if and how people come into contact with hazardous substances;
    • Determine whether people could be harmed from coming into contact with those substances; and
    • Recommend actions that need to be taken to protect people’s health.

What is an Exposure Investigation?

An Exposure Investigation (EI) involves collection and analysis of site-specific information to learn:

    • Whether a hazardous substance can be found in a particular place;
    • Whether people have come in contact with the substance (exposure); and
    • Whether the level of exposure could be harmful to the people’s health.