Topic 2.1 Defining the Community and Identifying Contacts
Community Members
For purposes of the public health assessment process, a community may be defined as the people who live and work near a hazardous waste site. However, the health assessor may also decide to include anyone who has an interest in the site or concerns about the site.
Review the following information about people or groups that might be considered part of a community.
Affected population
People who might be affected by site conditions.
Community groups
Local groups of people who share common interests and goals concerning a site.
News media
Reporters who provide information to the community through newspapers, other publications, television, and radio.
Elected official
Local, state, and federal representatives who have responsibilities to protect the well-being of people who live and work near a site.
Local, state, and federal agencies (e.g., health departments, departments of natural resources, environmental agencies, etc.) that have the responsibility of protecting public health and the environment at a site.
Responsible parties
Businesses or individuals who are considered responsible for cleaning up a site. Those businesses or individuals might not have been responsible for releases of chemicals into the environment at the site, but they might have purchased the property after chemicals were released.
Public health specialists
Local epidemiologists, physicians, public health nurses, toxicologists, public health educators, environmental health specialists, and others who can contribute specialized information to the assessment effort.