Step 1.2 Gathering Health Concerns and Other Information

Read the following paragraph about pathway determination. Then fill in the boxes in the site data table with the appropriate item from the list above the table.

Pathway determination. The Oak Estates (a hypothetical community introduced in the first course in this series: “Public Health Assessment Overview- 1: Mission and Community.”) site was built on a closed landfill. The landfill may be producing gases that are moving from the landfill into the air. People living in Oak Estates report that they smell a foul odor in their neighborhood. Air samples were collected, and analysis detected some chemicals, but none that cause odors. The landfill may not be the cause of the odor, but the air that people in Oak Estates are breathing does contain some substance that causes the odor.

Activity. Look at the list below  and determine the  appropriately labeled pathway element box of the site data table.

  • Landfill
  • Breathing gases in the air
  • Residents and visitors to oak Estates
  • Homes and yards in Oak Estates
  • Gases moving in the air

Side Data Table

Side Data Table
Source of contamination Environmental medium (air, soil, or food) Point of Exposure (such as breathing or touching) Exposed population