Navigation Tips

  • Close or minimize all open windows before beginning the course
    If it seems that the pop-up windows don’t work, or if you click on a pop-up icon and the course seems to “disappear,” it may be that other open windows are blocking your view. To prevent this problem, close or minimize any other open windows.
  • Use the course outline
    Once you begin the course, there is a link to the course outline at the top of every page. The outline will tell you where you are within the course, and help you understand how the various sections are related. If you follow a series of links (e.g. to access some exercises or for more in-depth information) and lose your place in the course, just go back to the course outline to see where you left off.
  • If you need to leave the course and come back later
    Please make a note of where you left off. You may either: 1) bookmark the page by adding it to your list of “Favorites,” 2) look at the course outline and make note of the sections you have completed, or 3) highlight and copy the URL in the address window at the top of the page and save it or email it to yourself.
  • For additional tips and troubleshooting solutions
    Please see our “About this site” page.