If a health outcome data review is conducted because people are contacting chemicals from the site at levels that are associated with a disease and the results of the health outcome data evaluation indicate a need for more investigation, a health assessor or an epidemiologist might recommend one of the following actions.
To view a brief description of the possible health actions, click on the list entries or on the View All link below.
An Assessment of data that identifies the exact case diagnosis, confirms the date of the onset of s=disease, and identifies other relevant information about the case.
Identifies addresses of people with specific disease to see if the address is in the area where people are known to be contacting site chemicals. Mapping of the addresses shows how the cases are distributed.
A study that is designed to evaluate whether disease in the community could be associated with exposure to site contaminants.
When recommending a health study, the health assessor should consider whether
- Authority and support to conduct a study are available
- The community would be involved and residents’ concerns would be addressed
- Definitive results could be expected based on study objectives
- Results would add to the current scientific knowledge