Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Evaluation Guides
- Fundamentals of Evaluating Partnerships: Evaluation Guides
The evaluation guides are a series of evaluation technical assistance tools developed by the CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) for use by state HDSP programs. The guides clarify approaches to and methods of evaluation, provide examples specific to the scope and purpose of state HDSP programs, and recommend resources for additional reading. The guides are intended to offer guidance and a consistent definition of terms. The guides are also intended to aid in skill building on a wide range of general evaluation topics while recognizing that state HDSP programs differ widely in their experience with, and resources for, program evaluation. Although the guides were developed for use by state HDSP programs, the information will also benefit other state health department programs, especially chronic disease programs. State Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) programs may find the guides useful for evaluation activities as well. - Addressing Chronic Disease through Community Health Workers: A Policy and Systems-Level Approach [PDF–715K]
This document provides guidance and resources for implementing recommendations to integrate community health workers (CHWs) into community-based efforts to prevent chronic disease.