The following are published articles on various native wellness topics.
- Alonso L, Decora L, Bauer UE. Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014–2019. Prev Chronic Dis 2019;16:190181. DOI:
- Bullock A, Burrows NR, Narva AS, Sheff K, Hora I, Lekiachvili A, Cain H, Espey D. Vital Signs: Decrease in Incidence of Diabetes-Related End-Stage Renal Disease among American Indians/Alaska Natives — United States, 1996–2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017 Jan 13;66(1):26-32. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6601e1.
- Chino M, DeBruyn L, PhD.”Building True Capacity: Indigenous Models for Indigenous Communities”, American Journal of Public Health 96, no. 4 (April 1, 2006): pp. 596-599. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.053801
- Chino M, Dodge-Francis C, DeBruyn L, Short L, Satterfield D (2007). The convergence of science and culture: Developing a framework for diabetes education in tribal communities. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 1(3); 75-87.
- DeBruyn L, Fullerton L, Satterfield D, Frank M. Integrating Culture and History to Promote Health and Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities: Traditional Foods Have Become a Way to Talk About Health. Prev Chronic Dis 2020; 17:190213. DOI:
- Fox J, Jackson T, Miracle S, O’Hara U, Parker S. Type 2 diabetes prevention among Native Americans: the Eagle Adventure Program. Amer J Health Studies; 2020 35(2);145-151.
- Indian Health Service. Special Diabetes Program for Indians—2020 Report to Congress. Rockville, Maryland: Indian Health Service; 2020. SDPI 2020 Report to Congress
- Jiang L, Manson SM, Beals J, Henderson WG, Huang H, Acton KJ, Roubideaux Y, and the Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program. Translating the diabetes prevention program into American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Diabetes Care. 2013; 36(7):2027–2034.
- Jiang L, Johnson A, Pratte K, Beals J, Bullock A, Manson SM and the Special Diabetes Program for Indians. Long-term outcomes of lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: the Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes Care. 2018; 41(7):1462–1470.
- Satterfield D, Burd C, Valdez L, Hosey G, Eagle Shield J. (2002). The “In-between people”: participation of community health representatives in diabetes prevention and care in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Health Promotion Practice April; 3(2):166-175.
- Satterfield D, DeBruyn L, Dodge Francis C, Allen A.A stream is always giving life: Communities reclaim traditional ways to promote health and prevent diabetes. American Indian Journal Culture and Research, UCLA American Indian Studies Center, 38 (1):157-190. (2014).
- Satterfield D, DeBruyn L, Santos M, Alonso L, Frank M. Health Promotion and Diabetes Prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities — Traditional Foods Project, 2008–2014. MMWR Suppl 2016;65place_Holder_For_Early_Release:4–10. DOI:
- Satterfield D, Eagle Shield J, Buckley J, Taken Alive S. So that the people may live (Hecel Lena Oyate Ki Nipi Kte): Lakota and Dakota elder women as reservoirs of life and keepers of knowledge about health protection and diabetes prevention. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice 2007. 1:2, 1-28.
- Satterfield D, Muthuswamy K. Qualitative Evaluation of the Eagle Books in Tribal Communities: “The children become the teachers.” Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists 2020 Annual Conference. Research poster [PPT – 3 MB] presented August 14, 2020
- Wallerstein N, Oetzel JG, Duran B, Margariti N, Pearson C, Belone L, Davis J, Dewindt L, Kastelic S, Lucero J, Ruddock C. Culture-centeredness in community-based participatory research: contributions to health education intervention research. Health Education Research 2019. 34:4, 1-17. DOI:
- Wesner, C. (2013). Part I: Traditional foods in Native America: A compendium of stories from the indigenous food sovereignty movement in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
- Wesner, C. (2014). Part II: Good food is power: A collection of traditional foods stories from the Ramah Navajo Community, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Tohono O’odham Nation. Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
- Wesner, C. (2015a). Part III: Traditional foods in Native America: A compendium of stories from the indigenous food sovereignty movement in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
- Wesner, C. (2015b). Part IV: Traditional foods in Native America: A compendium of stories from the indigenous food sovereignty movement in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
- Wesner, C. (2018). Part V: Traditional foods in Native America: A compendium of stories from the indigenous food sovereignty movement in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
- Zoumenou VM, Bennett N, Cecil M, Oyawu R. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Storytelling Curriculum: Eagle Books Series among African American Children on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Euro J Sci Res 2015;136(3):336-350.ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X.