CDC Flu Blog-a-thon 2017

CDC Blog-a-thon 2017

During the second week of November (6-11), CDC is hosting a seasonal flu blog-a-thon. Blog-a-thon post will focus on encouraging health providers to make a strong flu vaccine recommendation as well as encouraging everyone 6 months and older to get a flu vaccine if they have not already.  Check out the participating post below.

Have you own post to share?

To participate in the blog-a-thon, write your own post on the importance of flu vaccination and the role health care providers play in ensuring their patients are protected from flu. Copy the blog-a-thon badge to include with your post, and share your blog link on social media (be sure to tag @CDCFlu). For a chance to be featured on CDC’s blog-a-thon recap list, send your post to