Advancing Implementation Science in Precision Public Health: Ensuring Health Equity and Balancing Evolution and Sustainment
April 27, 2022, 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EDT
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The rapid development of advances in biomedical research creates levers to improve precision health and health care. However, without complementary attention to a robust agenda on implementation science, we risk replicating the “bench” to “bookshelf” pathway for scientific discoveries. This talk will discuss challenges and opportunities, assumptions, and ongoing activities toward advancing implementation science in the context of dynamic systems, an evolving evidence base and a desire to sustain effective and equitable health interventions over time.

David Chambers, DPhil.
Dr. David Chambers is Deputy Director for Implementation Science in the Office of the Director, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dr. Chambers manages a team focusing on efforts to build and advance the field of Implementation Science (IS) through funding announcements, training programs, research activities, dissemination platforms, and enhancement of partnerships and networks to integrate research, practice, and policy.
Selected References
- Different approaches to making and testing change in healthcare. Ogrinc G, et al.
- What Can Implementation Science Do for You? Key Success Stories from the Field. Kilbourne AM, et al.
- Designing for Accelerated Translation (DART) of Emerging Innovations in Health. Ramsey AT, et al.
- An Extension of RE-AIM to Enhance Sustainability: Addressing Dynamic Context and Promoting Health Equity Over Time. Shelton RC, et al.
- Beyond Public Health Genomics: Can Big Data and Predictive Analytics Deliver Precision Public Health? Khoury MJ, et al.
- The current state of funded NIH grants in implementation science in genomic medicine: a portfolio analysis. Roberts MC, et al.
- The current state of implementation science in genomic medicine: opportunities for improvement. Roberts MC, et al.
- Convergence of Implementation Science, Precision Medicine, and the Learning Health Care System: A New Model for Biomedical Research. Chambers DA, et al.
Hosted by
- Precision Public Health Network
- Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health, Office of Science