Health Professionals: Public Health Implications of Tumor Gene Expression Profiling to Predict Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence

This page contains information on public health implications not part of the EGAPP™ recommendation, but of possible importance for health professionals.

Public Health Implications

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in U.S. women with 207,090 new cases estimated in 2010. Among U.S. women, it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths (estimated 39,840 deaths in 2010). [1] More than half of breast cancers are early stage (I-II) node negative, and would theoretically be eligible for a breast cancer GEP test. Public health practitioners may choose to use this EGAPP™ recommendation information to support the following public health activities:

  • Assess current use of breast cancer gene expression profiling to determine the need for targeted educational campaigns aimed at informing providers and the public about the EGAPP™ recommendations and limitations of breast cancer gene expression profiling.
  • Disseminate these Web-based materials and the EGAPP™ recommendation to partners and other groups to increase awareness of these resources.
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