Chapter 23 – The Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP™) initiative: methods of the EGAPP™ Working Group Tables
Human Genome Epidemiology (2nd ed.): Building the evidence for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease
necessarily represent the views of the funding agency.”
Steven M. Teutsch, Linda A. Bradley, Glenn E. Palomaki, James E. Haddow, Margaret Piper, Ned Calonge, W. David Dotson, Michael P. Douglas, and Alfred O. Berg
*Clinical outcomes are the net health benefit (benefits and harms) for the patients and/or population in which the test is used.
*Highest level is 1.
†A clinical decision rule is an algorithm leading to result categorization. It can also be defined as a clinical tool that quantifies the contributions made by different variables (e.g., test result, family history) in order to determine classification/interpretation of a test result (e.g., for diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic response) in situations requiring complex decision making ( 55).
Analytic validity | Clinical validity | Clinical utility |
Adequate descriptions of the index test (test under evaluation)Source and inclusion of positive and negative control materials Reproducibility of test results Quality control/assurance Adequate descriptions of the test under evaluation Specific methods/platforms evaluated Number of positive samples and negative controls tested Adequate descriptions of the basis for the “right answer” Comparison to a “gold standard” referent test Consensus (e.g., external proficiency testing) Characterized control materials (e.g., NIST, sequenced) Avoidance of biases Blinded testing and interpretation Specimens represent routinely analyzed clinical specimens in all aspects (e.g., collection, transport, processing) Reporting of test failures and uninterpretable or indeterminate results Analysis of data Point estimates of analytic sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals Sample size/power calculations addressed |
Clear description of the disorder/phenotype and outcomes of interestStatus verified for all cases Appropriate verification of controls
Verification does not rely on index test result Prevalence estimates are provided Adequate description of study design and test/ methodology Adequate description of the study population Inclusion/exclusion criteria Sample size, demographics Study population defined and representative of the clinical population to be tested Allele/genotype frequencies or analyte distributions known in general and subpopulations Independent blind comparison with appropriate, credible reference standard(s) Independent of the test Used regardless of test results Description of handling of indeterminate results and outliers Blinded testing and interpretation of results Analysis of data Possible biases are identified and potential impact discussed Point estimates of clinical sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals Estimates of positive and negative predictive values |
Clear description of the outcomes of interestWhat was the relative importance of outcomes measured; which were prespecified primary outcomes and which were secondary?
Clear presentation of the study design Was there clear definition of the specific outcomes or decision options to be studied (clinical and other endpoints)? Was interpretation of outcomes/endpoints blinded? Were negative results verified? Was data collection prospective or retrospective? If an experimental study design was used, were subjects randomized? Were intervention and evaluation of outcomes blinded? Did the study include comparison with current practice/empirical treatment (value added)? Intervention What interventions were used? What were the criteria for the use of the interventions? Analysis of data Is the information provided sufficient to rate the quality of the studies? Are the data relevant to each outcome identified? Is the analysis or modeling explicit and understandable? Are analytic methods prespecified, adequately described, and appropriate for the study design? Were losses to follow-up and resulting potential for bias accounted for? Is there assessment of other sources of bias and confounding? Are there point estimates of impact with 95% CI? Is the analysis adequate for the proposed use? |
NIST = National Institute of Standards and Quality.
Adequacy of information to answer key questions | Analytic validity | Clinical validity | Clinical utility |
Convincing |
Studies that provide confident estimates of analytic sensitivity and specificity using intended sample types from representative populationsTwo or more Level 1 or 2 studies that are generalizable, have a sufficient number and distribution of challenges, and report consistent results
One Level 1 or 2 study that is generalizable and has an appropriate number and distribution of challenges |
Well-designed and conducted studies in representative population(s) that measure the strength of association between a genotype or biomarker and a specific and well-defined disease or phenotypeSystematic review/metaanalysis of Level 1 studies with homogeneity
Validated Clinical Decision Rule High quality Level 1 cohort study |
Well-designed and conducted studies in representative population(s) that assess specified health outcomesSystematic review/ meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showing consistency in results
At least one large randomized controlled trial (Level 2) |
Adequate | Two or more Level 1 or 2 studies that
Lack the appropriate number and/or distribution of challenges Are consistent, but not generalizable Modeling showing that lower quality (Level 3, 4) studies may be acceptable for a specific well-defined clinical scenario |
Systematic review of lower quality studies
Review of Level 1 or 2 studies with heterogeneity Case-control study with good reference standards Unvalidated Clinical Decision Rule (Level 2) |
Systematic review with heterogeneity
One or more controlled trials without randomization (Level 3) Systematic review of Level 3 cohort studies with consistent results |
Inadequate | Combinations of higher quality studies that show important unexplained inconsistencies
One or more lower quality studies (Level 3 or 4) Expert opinion |
Single case-control study
Nonconsecutive cases Lacks consistently applied reference standards Single Level 2 or 3 cohort/ case-control study Reference standard defined by the test or not used systematically Study not blinded Level 4 data |
Systematic review of Level 3 quality studies or studies with heterogeneity
Single Level 3 cohort or case-control study Level 4 data |
*Categories for the “magnitude of effect” or “magnitude of net benefit” used are Substantial, Moderate, Small, and Zero (57).