Part IV: CASE STUDIES: Using Human Genome Epidemiology Information to Improve Health Chapter 22 Figures

Human Genome Epidemiology: A Scientific Foundation for Using Genetic Information to Improve Health and Prevent Disease


Immunogenetic Factors in Chronic Beryllium Disease

Erin C. McCanlies, Michael E. Andrew, Ainsley Weston


Figure 22-1

Partial map of chromosome 6p21 showing relative positions of genes in the HLA-complex. HLA-DP$1 has been expanded to show the coding region (exons 1 – 6 and their relative size in base pairs). Some of the key amino acid substitution polymorphisms are indicated.

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[A text description of this chart is also available.]

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Figure 22-2
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[A text description of this chart is also available.]

Charted frequencies of HLA-DPB1E69 alleles by racial/ethnic groups. Open bars represent population frequency of the HLA-DPB1*0200 allele family. Solid bars represent population frequency of the non-*02 family of E69-alleles. Racial/ethnic populations [and their HLA-DPB1*02/non*02 allele frequencies]: 1) Amerindian (Asario, Ijka, Ingano, Kogui, Nukak, Sikuani, Tule, Vaupes, Wayuu) [0/0], 2) Asian/Oceanic (Trobriand, I) [0.01/0], 3) Amerindian (Coreguaje) [0.01/0], 4) Asian/Oceanic (W. Samoa) [0.02/0.02], 5) Taiwanese [0.05/0.03], 6) African-American (Choco) [0.03/0.06], 7) Asian/Oceanic (New Guinea) [0.10/0], 8) Amerindian (Cayapa) [0.04/0.06], 9) African-American (Cauca) [0.03/0.10], 10) Africa (Liberia) [0.05/0.13], 11) Australian (Caucasian) [0.09/0.10], 12) Caucasian (Slovak) [0.15/0.07], 13) Amerindian (Waunana) [0/0.23], 14) Africa (Nigeria) [0.09/0.14], 15) Africa (Gabonese) [0.18/0.08], 16) African-American (NYC) [0.11/0.17], 17) African-American (Columbia Providencia) [0.10/0.19], 18) Amerindian (Embera) [0/0.30], 19) Asian/Oceanic (New Guinea) [0.29/0.02], 20) Australian (Aboriginal-North) [0.20/0.14], 21) Chinese (North) [0.21/0.13], 22) Asian/Oceanic (Java) [0.11/0.24], 23) Caucasian (Czech) [0.23/0.12], 24) Caucasian (Poland) [0.23/0.15], 25) Chinese (South) [0.26/0.18], 26) Asian/Oceanic ( Borneo) [0.02/0.43, 27) African (Cameroon/Bantu) [0.37/0.15], 28) Australian (Aboriginal-Central) [0.36/0.21]

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Figure 22-3

Curves showing positive predictive value of HLA-DP$1E69 testing for susceptibility to beryllium disease over a range of carrier frequencies for a workforce with a 5% prevalence of disease (dotted line), and a workforce at high exposure risk (15% disease prevalence – solid line).

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[A text description of this chart is also available.]

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