GAPPNet™ Products

In June 2010, CDC’s Office of Public Health Genomics and its partners released new online GAPPNet™ products

GAPPNet™ Web Site

GAPPNet logo

The GAPPNet Web site provides a central place to learn about GAPPNet™ and new developments in research, policies, and programs on the use of genomic applications to improve health and prevent disease. The Web site also provides information about how to get involved in GAPPNet, opportunities for social networking, and an interactive map showing genomic translation projects that are currently in progress in the United States. Additionally, the Web site provides access to the knowledge base and journal described below.

GAPP Knowledge Base (GAPP KB)


GAPP KB logo

is an online resource providing access to information on applications of genomic research for use in public health and health care. GAPP KB features a continuously updated, searchable database of genetic tests in transition to practice; PLoS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests, an online, open-access publication; and links to published evidence reviews and recommendations.

New Features of GAPP KB:


GAPP Finder

The GAPP Finder allows users to search a database of genomic applications by disease, gene, drug, and type. Curators have updated the database weekly since October 2009, using the results of customized, systematic Internet searches.

Evidence Aggregator

The Evidence Aggregator is a tool for searching for evidence reports, systematic reviews, recommendations, and guidelines on genetic tests and other applications of genomic technologies. The information is collected from various sources of summaries, reviews, and recommendations, such as the Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) project, the Evidence for Genomic Applications journal, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and others. Users can search for disease, gene, drug, test type, or any other term.

Project Locator

Project Locator is an online database designed for archiving genomic translation projects including current on-going and completed projects. Users can search the database, and results can be displayed in either a map or list view.

PLoS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests

PLoS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests has evolved from the online publication Evidence for Genomic Applications, which was developed alongside the GAPP KB. PLoS Currents: Evidence on Genomic Tests provides a forum for sharing brief evidence summaries on the validity and utility of health-related applications of genomic research. The publication is available as a new section on the PloS Currents Web site. Read the author guidelines and submit an article using Word Press (requires a login). Visit the PLoS Currents.