CDC Kenya Acronyms
AMP | Antibody-mediated Prevention |
ANC | Antenatal Care |
ART | Antiretroviral Treatment |
BMT | Budget Marked-up Tool |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
cMIS | Continuous Malaria Indicator Survey |
CoAG | Cooperative Agreement |
CS | Cabinet Secretary |
CHAMPS | Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DP | Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine |
EID | Early Infant Diagnosis |
EGPAF | Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation |
FELTP | Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program |
CBV | Gender-based Violence |
GOK | Government of Kenya |
HPTN | HIV Prevention Trials Network |
IMPACT | Improving Management for Public Health Action |
KEMRI | Kenya Medical Research Institute |
KENITAG | Kenya National Immunization Technical Advisory Group |
LIFE | Long-acting Injectable for the Epidemic |
LSTM | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine |
mHealth | Mobile Health |
MOH | Ministry of Health |
NASCOP | National AIDS and STI Control Program |
NGS | Next Generation Sequencing |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
OCV | Oral Cholera Vaccine |
OTZ | Operation Triple Zero |
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction |
PEPFAR | President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief |
POE | Ports of Entry |
RVF | Rift Valley fever |
SMS | Short Message System |
TB | Tuberculosis |
UCSF | University of California, San Francisco |
USAID | U.S. Agency for International Development |
VL | Viral Load |
WASH | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene |
WHO | World Health Organization |
Xpert Ultra | Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra |