CDC in South Africa: Where We Work

CDC directly funds the National Department of Health (NDoH) and several of its public entities

With the emergence of PEPFAR, CDC South Africa’s budget grew to nearly $192.4 million, providing funding and technical support to 44 partners in 2014. As of 2014, CDC-SA had awarded more than $1.67 billion to governmental, non-governmental, community-based, and faith-based organizations for public health programming and system strengthening in HIV and TB. CDC directly funds the National Department of Health (NDoH) and several of its public entities.

CDC South Africa also has a regional component (in health initiatives besides HIV and TB) in strengthening detection and containment of emerging health threats through the Global Disease Detection program, South Africa Field Epidemiology Training Program (SA-FETP), Emerging Disease Surveillance, and influenza pandemic preparedness.

CDC South Africa provides programmatic oversight and leadership from their office in the capital city of Pretoria. CDC South Africa’s partners work in many sites throughout the country.

Download the complete list of current partners (For Print) [PDF – 97 KB]