Apr. 24, 2018: April 24 is World Meningitis Day
Spotlight on Topic:
World Meningitis Day
Proud to Protect Burkinabè from Meningitis
In a remote village of Burkina Faso, a woman around 60 years old lined up to get vaccinated… Read More
Serogroup A Meningococcal Meningitis in Sub-Saharan Africa
Deadly, Expensive, Preventabler…View Infographic
World Meningitis Day 2018
#AllMeningitisMatters…Watch Video
Burkina Faso Begins Routine MenAfriVac (TM) Immunization
Burkina Faso is known as the “buckle” of the meningitis belt…Read Story
- A quarter of Rohingya refugee children are malnourished
The Telegraph
April 13, 2018 - Cheers as HIV infections drop massively in Siaya County
The Standard
April 11, 2018 - A new study details undernourishment among Rohingya
Voice of America Asia
April 10, 2018
April 24: World Meningitis Day
April 24 – 29: World Immunization Week
April 25: World Malaria Day
May: Hepatitis Awareness Month
May: Cystic Fibrosis Month May
May: Lyme Disease Awareness Month
May 1: World Asthma Day
May 4-10: UN Global Road Safety Week
May 8: International Thalassemia Day
May 8: World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
May 10: World Lupus Day
May 12: International Nurses Day
May 17: World Hypertension Day
May 20: World Autoimmune Arthritis Day
May 31: World No Tobacco Day