October. 24, 2019: World Polio Day

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World Polio Day is October 24

World Polio Day is held on October 24 in celebration of the birth of Jonas Salk, the American researcher who developed the first polio vaccine in 1955. In 1961 Albert Sabin developed the first monovalent oral polio vaccine followed by the trivalent oral polio vaccine in 1963 that has reduced polio worldwide by 99%. World Polio Day is an ideal time to raise public awareness of the devastating effects of polio on children and garner support for eradication efforts.

World Polio Day feature
World Polio Day Blog


We can finish the job of Polio Eradication but, it will not be easy

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World Polio Day infographic


Bold Steps to End Polio
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World Polio Day Stories


Global Certification of Eradication of Indigenous Wild Poliovirus Type 3
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