December 8, 2020: Global COVID-19 Response

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Global COVID-19 Response

Public health experts have long discussed the possibility of Disease X, the unknown pathogen that could emerge and create a significant global response. In 2020, that Disease X appeared as COVID-19. The fall 2020 edition of Updates from the Field features stories that highlight how CDC and partner organizations’ investments in global health security programs and activities helped better prepare countries for COVID-19.

Investments in core health system components such as workforce, surveillance, laboratory, and emergency management and response have built and strengthened public health systems that will safeguard our ability to respond to COVID-19 and future public health crises.

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responding-to-covid-19 story map

Global Rapid Response Team Expands Scope to U.S. Response

CDC’s Global Rapid Response Team quickly pivots from international emergency response to provide domestic support to state, local, and tribal health departments in their COVID-19 response efforts.

Nurses at Risk of COVID-19 Telework to Help HIV Patients in South Africa

Africa CDC Launches Continent-wide Response

“Many of the competencies and structures essential for success during this pandemic have been developed with the support of U.S. CDC.” – Africa CDC Director Dr. John Nkengasong. Learn how CDC has been a critical partner in Africa CDC’s COVID-19 response.

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Being Better Prepared for COVID-19 and the Next Global Health Emergency

Fireside Chat with CDC’s Dr. Nancy Knight.

Photo credit: Peter Thomson, La Cross Tribune

Global COVID-19 Updates
The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global health threat, and CDC is committed to stopping its spread. Find CDC resources for the global health community:

Contact Tracing

Shielding Approach in Humanitarian Settings

Risk Assessment Tool for Healthcare Workers

Global COVID-19

New on the Web

Dec 4, 2020:
Using Data to Understand Work and Risk for Violence
Center for Global Health

Dec 4, 2020:
Sex Differences in HIV Testing — 20 PEPFAR-Supported Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2019
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report</em

Dec 3, 2020:
CDC in India
Center for Global Health


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