Most-Read Center for Global Health Stories in 2021

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December 22, 2021

Around the World Newsletter
Most Read Center for Global Health Stories in 2021

Our Most-Read Stories of 2021

In 2021, COVID-19 was a major focus of CDC’s Center for Global Health (CGH) work. Our experts also continued to provide technical assistance to prevent dangerous and costly public health threats including HIV, tuberculosis, vaccine-preventable diseases, and malaria. Revisit CGH’s most read 2021 stories to learn about our public health work around the world.

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COVID-19 Outbreak Updates

CDC works with partners around the world to respond to the pandemic. Find updated CDC resources for the global health community. Learn More

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New on the Web

December 14: Infographic – CDC and Malawi Advance Public Health
Center for Global Health

December 7: He’s Kept CDC Computers and Data Systems Running in Malawi for 19 Years
Center for Global Health