The Economic Impact of Global Health Security

Social Media Toolkit

In today’s interconnected world, a health threat anywhere is a threat everywhere. A pathogen can travel from a remote village to major cities on all continents in under 36 hours.

There is also a potential impact on the U.S. economy. In today’s world of global trade and travel, an outbreak in a single country overseas has the power to substantially impact U.S. revenue and jobs.

This Economic Impact of Global Health Security Social Media Toolkit includes communication tools that make it easy for individuals and partner organizations to promote the release of two CDC-authored articles in Health Security:

  • Relevance of Global Health Security to the U.S. Export Economy examines how public health emergencies in other countries can influence U.S. jobs and exports.
  • Impact of Hypothetical Infectious Disease on U.S. Exports and Export-Based Jobs presents a possible scenario of events that could happen to the U.S. economy if an epidemic were to strike a key region, such as Southeast Asia.

The toolkit includes:

  • Sample social media messages for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Hashtags and handles
  • Downloadable shareable graphics
  • Global health security photos

The Economic Impact of Global Health Security Sample Social Media Messages

How to use: Pair these messages with one of our many graphics and photos on your social media profiles.

Twitter Posts

Relevance of Global Health Security to the U.S. Export Economy

Impact of Hypothetical Infectious Disease on U.S. Exports and Export-Based Jobs

Facebook Posts

Relevance of Global Health Security to the U.S. Export Economy

  • Although the global transportation network provides many efficiencies for trade, it may also speed up the spread of an infectious pathogen to major cities. Could a disease outbreak cause trade disruptions? Learn more by reading Global Health Security: Relevance to the U.S. Export Industry.

Impact of Hypothetical Infectious Disease on U.S. Exports and Export-Based Jobs

Instagram Posts

Relevance of Global Health Security to the U.S. Export Economy
Outbreaks, even without crossing borders, can disrupt trade flows by destabilizing economies that serve as export markets. Will the US export economy be vulnerable if one occurs? The link in our profile provides more info from Health Security Journal.
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Impact of Hypothetical Infectious Disease on U.S. Exports and Export-Based Jobs
Could America’s economy and the public’s health be in jeopardy if a global infectious disease outbreak occurred? To understand the potential outcome, the link in our profile provides more info from Health Security Journal.
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Download Shareable Graphics

How to use: Post and share these graphics and videos on your social media channels, blogs, and websites. Find more Global Health Security social media graphics here.

Global Health Security - Economic Impact

Download Global Health Security Photos

How to use: Post and share these photos on your social media channels, blogs, and websites. You can download these photos from Flickr: Global Health Security 2017.

economic impact picture collage