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CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Info Service Message: New and Updated CDC Guidance Related to Novel H1N1 Flu

Distributed via the HAN Info Service
May 26, 2009, 17:45 ET (5:45 PM ET)

Influenza illness, including illness associated with the novel influenza A H1N1 virus is ongoing in the United States. The May 22 FluView Report shows that influenza activity is decreasing in the United States; however, levels of influenza-like illness are higher than normal for this time of year. At this time, the majority of influenza viruses isolated in the United States are now novel H1N1 viruses.

It’s uncertain at this time how severe this novel H1N1 outbreak will be in terms of how many people infected have severe complications or death related to novel H1N1 infection. While nation-wide influenza-like-illness surveillance is trending downward, localized outbreaks are ongoing and it’s likely that such outbreaks will continue over the summer. It’s uncertain how the novel H1N1 virus will affect the upcoming 2009-2010 influenza season.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues its response to the novel H1N1 Flu outbreak. CDC's goals continue to be to reduce the spread and severity of illness and to provide information to assist health care providers, public health officials, and the public address the challenges posed by this emergency. To this end, CDC continues to develop and update guidance documents and provide other information.

New on the CDC Web Site:

Additional documents for health care providers, public health officials and the public are available. Information for the public is posted daily in both English and Spanish. Also, CDC’s toll-free hotline, 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348, is available 24 hours a day, every day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protects people’s health and safety by preventing and controlling diseases and injuries; enhances health decisions by providing credible information on critical health issues; and promotes healthy living through strong partnerships with local, national and international organizations.


This Message was distributed to State and Local Health Officers, Public Information Officers, Laboratory Directors, Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordinators, Epidemiologists and HAN Coordinators as well as Association and Clinician organizations

The HAN Info Service is utilized by the CDC's Health Alert Network to distribute general correspondence from CDC which is not necessarily considered to be of an emergent nature.

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