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Tools for Providers of Children with High Risk Conditions

The purpose of “Tools for Providers of Children with High Risk Conditions”is to provide information and communication resources to health care providers who care for children at higher risk for serious illness or influenza complications.

The toolkit includes:

  1. Information Sheet: Access to 2009 H1N1 Monovalent Vaccine for Children with High-Risk Medical Conditions

  2. Template Letters (or E-mails) to Send to Parents
  • Brochure: Seasonal and H1N1 Flu: For Parents Who Have Children or Adolescents With High-Risk Medical Conditions    

  • Poster for office settings to remind parents to keep sick children at home “STOP! Do You Feel Sick?” 
  • Poster to remind patients to “Cover Your Cough”

    Additional 2009 H1N1 Flu:  Free Communication Resources (brochures, flyers, podcasts to link to from your organization’s website or print up and post in your office)
    Contact Us:
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
      1600 Clifton Rd
      Atlanta, GA 30333
    • 800-CDC-INFO
      TTY: (888) 232-6348
    • Contact CDC-INFO