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2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Supply Status

December 11, 2009, 5:00 PM ET

2009 H1N1 Vaccine Doses Allocated,
Ordered, and Shipped by Project Area
Posted December 11, 2009, 5:00 PM ET
Project Areas* Total Doses Allocated**
as of 12/10/09
Total Doses Ordered
as of 12/10/09
Total Doses Shipped***
as of 12/10/09
GRAND TOTAL 85,171,500 78,017,600 76,135,820
Alabama 1282800 1282500 1239300
Alaska 199000 199000 194100
American Samoa 21300 5000 5000
Arizona 1741600 1680100 1649700
Arkansas 784400 763200 746800
California 9800700 9686600 9250200
Chicago 808600 808600 784100
Colorado 1324400 1147100 1122300
Connecticut 964800 902400 879100
Delaware 240700 210500 210500
District of Columbia 171400 158700 158600
Federal Worker Program1 520400 459200 440000
Florida 4991100 4196800 4149100
Georgia 2660900 2449100 2349400
Guam 49300 46400 33400
Hawaii 344900 311000 301600
Idaho 423200 423100 409000
Illinois 2844500 2652300 2624100
Indiana 1762500 1713200 1630100
Iowa 824800 803400 802600
Kansas 769800 646100 604420
Kentucky 1170600 1014500 947800
Louisiana 1207000 882000 874400
Maine 465500 465000 454200
Marshall Islands 21200 2500 2500
Maryland 1535200 1361900 1337400
Massachusetts 1787300 1787200 1740800
Michigan 2762700 2291900 2207200
Micronesia 33500 27400 27400
Minnesota 1443000 1366200 1341000
Mississippi 807300 666500 657400
Missouri 1614200 1437900 1401500
Montana 271900 265000 262900
Nebraska 493400 480700 480700
Nevada 696700 608200 607300
New Hampshire  361700 330500 330500
New Jersey 2398300 2177900 2104700
New Mexico 548000 496800 481100
New York  3071000 2915200 2907800
New York City 2310200 2227800 2122800
North Carolina 2534500 2172500 2172300
North Dakota 183400 182500 178700
Northern Mariana Islands 28400 25600 25600
Ohio 3170100 2675700 2675300
Oklahoma 998000 874800 847400
Oregon 1016500 861400 814300
Pennsylvania 3018200 3007400 2935500
Philadelphia 423400 376300 362400
Puerto Rico 1081000 619600 544500
Republic of Palau 10100 9700 9700
Rhode Island 388400 252300 252300
South Carolina 1233100 1124700 1120600
South Dakota 227200 227200 221400
Tennessee 1699200 1614800 1614300
Texas 6582400 6008600 6005500
Utah 733900 698600 683200
Vermont 179800 171500 171500
Virgin Islands  35900 19300 17300
Virginia 2115600 2114000 2058900
Washington 1754400 1579500 1533000
West Virginia 517600 504600 504600
Wisconsin 1556100 1400400 1385900
Wyoming 154500 147200 128800

1For more information, please visit:

* Project areas reflect CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Grantees

** Doses allocated to project areas for ordering are those that are at the distribution depots and ready for project areas to order.
Vaccine is allocated to each project area in proportion to its population (pro rata).

***There is a lag time between allocation, ordering, and shipment of doses as project areas place orders and those orders are processed and shipped.

View table data in XML format NEW Dec 11

For Planners: Vaccine Allocation and Distribution Q&A

For the Public: 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Q&A, Supply and Distribution

Graph and Table of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Doses Allocated, Ordered, and Shipped in U.S.

Previous H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Supply Status Updates

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