Know Your Audience
One of the key steps in the health communication and social marketing process is identifying the population segments that can benefit from a specific health behavior. The more you know about your primary segment, the better you can reach them with messages, activities and policies. Your upfront research includes understanding the needs and wants of the target audience on a more personal level, and their motivations and lifestyles so you can truly engage with them. This effort will pay dividends later when you begin preparing your campaign activities, health messages, channels and campaign materials.
STEP ONE: identify the audience you want to reach. The more you know about your primary audience, the better you can target them with tailored messages, activities, and policies.
Your upfront research includes understanding the needs and wants of your audience on a more personal level – such as their motivations, lifestyles, and behaviors — so you can truly engage with them. Check out this tool to get started.