List of Tables

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Table 1: Examples of Target Audiences and Organizations for Drinking Water Advisory Communications and Potential Agencies for Assisting with this Communication

Table 1: Examples of Target Audiences and Organizations for Drinking Water Advisory Communications and Potential Agencies for Assisting with this Communication
Communication Target Examples Potential Agency for Communicating with Target Group
Businesses Business community, including hotels Local: Economic development coordinator, chamber of commerce
Childcare Licensed childcare providers Local: Local public health department and childcare facilities
State: Health and welfare (e.g., human services, social services)
Correctional facilities Local or regional jail Local: Sheriff ’s office, chief of police, local emergency management
State: Department of corrections
Food facilities Restaurants, grocery stores, catering services, event venues (e.g., fairs, sports facilities), bakeries, canneries, dairies, food production facilities, ice manufacturers, meat processing facilities, etc. Local: Local public health department
State: Health department, agriculture and consumer services
Healthcare facilities Hospitals, clinics, emergency care facilities, nursing homes, physician offices, pharmacies, dialysis centers Local: Local public health department, local emergency management
State: List of licensed healthcare facilities
Schools Public schools, private schools, colleges, universities Local: School superintendent, local public health department
Susceptible populations Elderly, infants, young children, persons with limited literacy or English skills, disabled persons, immunocompromised persons, persons with limited resources, persons with limited access to transportation Local: Public health department, social services, community organizations, faith-based organizations


Table 2: Examples of Types and Sources of Drinking Water Advisory Data

Table 2: Examples of Types and Sources of Drinking Water Advisory Data
Water Systems Public Health Media
  • Water Quality
  • Operations Reports
  • Customer Service
  • Reports/Interviews
  • Distribution
  • Sampling
  • Surveillance
  • Laboratory Surveys
  • Logs
  • Archive Review
  • Web Analytics