Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education & Safer Sex (VOICES/VOCES) for MSM is a video-based HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention intervention designed for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). VOICES/VOCES aims to increase condom negotiation skills and increase condom use among participants who visit STD clinics.

VOICES/VOCES (V/V) is part of a set of widely disseminated video-based interventions, which includes Taking Care of Me (TCOM) and Safe in the City (SITC), that were tested in sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics and found to be cost-beneficial and effective in reducing STD incidence. VOICES/VOCES for men who have sex with men (MSM) is based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, which explains why people’s behaviors are guided by their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences as well as by how they believe others think they should act in a given circumstance.
In this intervention, health educators convene groups of four to eight clinic patients in a room that allows privacy for discussions. Information on HIV/STD risk behavior and condom use is delivered by viewing a culturally informed video. Condom use and negotiation skills are modeled in the videos, then role-played and practiced by participants during the discussion that follows. At the end of the single, 45-minute session, participants are given samples of the condoms they identify as best meeting their needs.
Intervention Goals
- Prevent new STD infections.
- Increase condom use.
Intervention Essential Elements
- View culturally informed videos portraying condom negotiation.
- Conduct small group skill-building sessions to work on overcoming barriers to condom use.
- Educate program participants about different types of condoms and their features.
- Distribute samples of condoms identified by participants as best meeting their needs.
Intervention Audience
- Black and Latino MSM STD clinic patients, 18 years old and older.
This training has one component:
- 6-hour eLearning training
To access eLearning modules, including training prerequisite courses:
- Log-in to CDC TRAIN and access the HIV CBA Training Plan (step-by-step instructions are available).
- Select the module you wish to take.
- Launch the module or save the module for later.
Technical assistance for the implementation of VOICES/VOCES is available.
To request technical assistance:
- CDC’s directly funded health department and CBO partners may request technical assistance support by submitting a request in the CBA Tracking System.
- Organizations not directly funded by CDC may contact their local health department for assistance in submitting a training request.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact HIVCBA@cdc.gov.
Implementation and Marketing Materials
The materials and resources listed below support the implementation and/or marketing of VOICES/VOCES by health departments, community-based organizations, and health care or other organizations. The resources are evidence-based and designed for cost-effective, scalable implementation.
- O’Donnell CR, O’Donnell L., San Doval A, Duran R, Labes K. Reductions in STD infections subsequent to an STD clinic visit: Using video-based patient education to supplement provider interactions. Sex Transm Dis 1998;25(3):161-168.