MMWR News Synopsis for August 3, 2017

Solid Organ Transplant–Transmitted Tuberculosis Linked to a Community Outbreak — California, 2015

Corey Egel
Assistant Deputy Director
California Department of Public Health
Office: (916) 445-2108
Main: (916) 440-7259

The risk of donor-derived tuberculosis (TB) transmission to solid organ transplant recipients might be reduced by 1) reviewing solid organ donors’ past medical records, including records from previous medical homes and from high-risk settings such as jails and prisons where TB testing might occur, for evidence of TB infection or disease and 2) investigating incidents of possible donor-derived TB in solid organ recipients who develop TB disease any time after transplant. Solid organs, such as lungs, that are transplanted from one person to another can transmit TB to the person receiving the organ if the organ donor had TB infection or disease. Providers medically evaluate organ donors and interview next-of-kin to assess donors’ TB risk, but these methods sometimes provide limited information. When feasible, reviewing all available prior medical records of donors, including records from sites where TB testing might occur, could improve the assessment. Also, clinicians and public health departments should consider the possibility of donor-derived transmission in organ recipients who develop TB disease. These steps can help ensure that patients who received organs from a donor with TB infection or disease receive timely medical evaluation and, if indicated, TB treatment.

Meningitis Outbreak Caused by Vaccine-Preventable Bacterial Pathogens — Northern Ghana, 2016

CDC Media Relations

Building and sustaining laboratory and surveillance capacity in countries where meningitis outbreaks are common is critical to ensure rapid and effective response to meningitis outbreaks. Bacterial meningitis can lead to death and serious disabilities such as deafness, nervous system problems, and brain damage. Countries in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa, including Ghana, have the highest incidence of bacterial meningitis and experience seasonal epidemics. During 2015-2016, Ghana experienced an increase in pneumococcal meningitis followed by a large outbreak of N. meningitidis serogroup W meningitis. Based on laboratory and epidemiologic data, more than 130,000 doses of meningococcal serogroup W containing vaccine were administered to the most affected districts. Rapid identification of the bacterium causing meningitis outbreaks is critical for directing targeted public health interventions, including vaccination.

Notes from the Field:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis Outbreak Associated with Human Adenovirus Type 8 — U.S. Virgin Islands, June–November 2016
  • Preliminary Results from Implementation of a Universal Treatment Program (Test and Start) for Persons Living with HIV Infection — Lesotho, October 2015–February 2017

Quick Stats:

  • Suicide Rates for Teens Aged 15–19 Years, by Sex — United States, 1975–2015



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