MMWR News Synopsis

Thursday, May 24, 2018

HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in the U.S. Military Services – 2014-2016

Joseph Nieves
Office of Command Communications
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Telephone: (301) 295-5727
BB: 301-633-7953

The U.S. military is implementing strategies to reduce barriers to receiving HIV prevention and care services. These strategies include patient self-referrals for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) evaluations, increasing the number and quality of provider education efforts, and developing of a new health policy to provide universal access to the provider, laboratory, and pharmacy service elements required for an effective PrEP program. This report describes HIV PrEP in the U.S. military. The findings indicate that more than 2000 beneficiaries have accessed PrEP in the U.S. military healthcare system. However, current estimates indicate that approximately 10,000 more service members are eligible. Currently, the availability of PrEP services varies widely based on the individual patient’s geographic location. New DoD policy is being developed to address identified gaps through initiatives to improve provider education, to ensure universal access to PrEP at the primary care level, and to standardize pharmacy and laboratory service delivery at all military treatment facilities.

Use of Outpatient Rehabilitation Among Adult Stroke Survivors – 20 States and the District of Columbia, 2013, and Four States, 2015

CDC Media Relations

Despite national guidelines encouraging use of outpatient stroke rehabilitation, the percentage of stroke survivors reporting participation is suboptimal. Increase use of outpatient stroke rehabilitation with special focus among underserved populations (e.g., younger adults, women, non-Hispanic minorities, Hispanics, and adults with less than a high school education) can improve  health outcomes for stroke survivors. Each year about 800,000 Americans experience a stroke, with many survivors experiencing persistent difficulty with daily tasks. Outpatient stroke rehabilitation use among stroke survivors helps improve health outcomes and may reduce stroke recurrences. However, in 2013, only around 31 percent of stroke survivors reported participation in outpatient rehabilitation for stroke after hospitalization in 20 States and District of Columbia, and reported use varied widely by demographic characteristics and by state.

Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 2 Years – U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands, April-October, 2016

CDC Media Relations
While CDC found vaccination coverage was low and varied widely among children age 2 years in five United States Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI), CDC and USAPI now have the information they need to improve vaccination coverage in the region and to reduce the occurrence of vaccine-preventable diseases. It is an important first step in overcoming the challenges of geographic remoteness and difficulty tracking highly mobile populations across the USAPI. CDC conducted the first region-wide assessment of vaccination coverage in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI). Vaccination coverage was low and varied widely among children age 2 years in the five USAPI assessed. Coverage for the recommended six-vaccine series did not meet the 85% coverage target in any jurisdiction. The results serve as a baseline for coordinated USAPI and CDC efforts to improve vaccination coverage. By using medical records, CDC is able to overcome the challenges of geographic remoteness and difficulty tracking highly mobile populations to conduct rapid vaccination coverage assessment to support timely programmatic decision-making. Effectively monitoring vaccination coverage, coupled with implementation of data-driven interventions, is essential to maintain protection from VPD outbreaks.



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