MMWR News Synopsis
Friday, June 14, 2019
Trends in Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines Among Urban and Rural Dwelling Adults — United States, 2008–2017
CDC Media Relations
Since the release of the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the prevalence of meeting the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines has increased among adults, both nationally and among residents of urban and rural areas. Despite the increases, the prevalence remains low.. In 2017, only 1 in 4 (25.3%) urban residents and 1 in 5 (19.6%) rural residents met the combined Physical Activity Guidelines for Amerians. To continue progress, communities can implement evidence-based approaches that make physical activity a safe and easy choice. These approaches include improvements to community design, point-of-decision prompts, improved access to indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, social support programs, and community-wide campaigns.
Sepsis Attributed to Bacterial Contamination of Platelets Associated with a Potential Common Source — Multiple States, 2018
CDC Media Relations
Bacterial contamination of platelets is rare, but can pose serious risk to people who receive platelet transfusions. Healthcare providers need to monitor patients for sepsis after platelet transfusions and immediately report adverse reactions to blood suppliers and blood-safety monitoring systems. During 2018, four people in three states experienced sepsis after receiving platelet transfusions; one patient died. Blood suppliers use strategies to prevent contamination of platelets and to detect contaminated platelet units. We report the unusual event that these four patients received platelets contaminated with bacteria. CDC analyzed the bacterial DNA from each of the patients and found that the bacteria were closely related, suggesting that the contamination might have come from a common source. Investigation into the source of contamination continues. Bacterial contamination of platelets is rare, but can pose serious risk to people who receive platelet transfusions. Healthcare providers should monitor patients who receive platelet transfusions for adverse reactions, and report these reactions to blood suppliers and hemovigilance systems, which monitor the safety of blood products
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