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Fact Sheet
MMWR Surveillance Summary
Assisted Reproductive Technology—United States, 2001
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Surveillance – U.S., 2001
presents the most current information on ART use, number of infants and
multiple births resulting from ART by the patient’s state of residence. This
is the second ART report to present data on ART by women’s state of
residence. The first report included data on ART procedures performed in
2000 and was published in August of 2003. This report also includes the
singleton live birth rates because they are an important measure of ART
success and singleton births have a much lower risk than multiple-infant
births for adverse infant health outcomes, including prematurity, low birth
weight, disability and death.
CDC contracts with the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART)
to obtain data from fertility medical centers located in the United States.
CDC has compiled data related to ART procedures since 1997 as mandated by
the Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act (Public Law 102-493,
October 24, 1992.)
- Nationwide, more than 107,000 assisted reproductive technology (ART)
procedures were performed in the United States in 2001. ART refers to
infertility treatments in which an egg and sperm are handled in the
laboratory (i.e., in vitro fertilization and related procedures).
- Throughout the United States, 421 medical centers performed ART in
2001. Of these, 384 (91 percent) reported data to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), which monitors clinic success rates.
- Approximately 1 percent of the U.S. infants born in 2001 were
conceived through ART.
- In 2001, ART procedures resulted in 29,344 live births and 40,687
infants. More than half (54 percent) of the infants born as a result of
ART were born in a multiple-birth delivery.
- In addition to presenting live-birth rates as a measure of ART
success, this report includes success rates for singleton live births
(i.e., pregnancies that resulted in the live birth of one child).
Singleton live births have a much lower risk than multiple-infant births
for adverse infant health outcomes, including prematurity, low birth
weight, disability, and death. The singleton live birth rate for 2001 was
21 percent.
- ART success rates depend on a variety of patient and treatment factors
including age, infertility diagnosis, and type of ART procedure.
State information
- Six states account for almost half of the more than 107,000 ART
procedures performed in 2001. California, New York, Massachusetts,
Illinois, New Jersey, and Texas had a total of 53,166 ART procedures.
These states also had the highest number of ART-associated live-birth
deliveries and multiple-birth deliveries.
- The ratio of number of ART procedures per million population ranged
from 74 in Idaho to 1,273 in Massachusetts, with a national average of 371
ART procedure started per million persons.
Multiple births
- More than half of all infants born through ART in 2001 were multiple
births: twins, triplets, or more. This compares with a national multiple
birth rate of 3 percent in the general population without ART.
- Multiple births are associated with risks for both mothers and
infants, including cesarean section and hemorrhage for the mother and
pre-term delivery, low birth weight, disability and death for the infants.
- The risk for multiple births was higher for women who had ART
procedures using freshly fertilized embryos from their own or donor eggs
compared with ART procedures using thawed embryos.
- Among women who used their own eggs, multiple births were more common
among women younger than 35 years of age.
- The multiple-birth risk increased with the number of embryos
transferred during ART, from one to five or more.
- The availability of embryos for use in ART procedures (an indicator of
embryo quality) was also a strong predictor of multiple-birth risk
independent of number of embryos transferred.
For More Information
- “Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance—United States, 2001”
appears as an MMWR Surveillance Summary and is available at
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