Statement from CDC Director Tom Frieden on the passing of Shane Todd, former Tips From Former Smokers campaign participant

Media Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Contact: Media Relations,
(404) 639-3286

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our friend Shane Todd from complications of cancer at the age of 49. Shane began smoking cigarettes at age 18 and was just 34 years old when he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Since then, he has endured surgeries to remove his voice-box and parts of his esophagus and collarbone, and also had surgery on his stomach. He bravely came forward to share his story and warn others about the dangers of cigarette smoking as part of the Tips From Former Smokers campaign. Shane was proud of the impact of the Tips campaign and his role in its success, noting that it was the “best feeling in the world knowing I have changed lives.” Our thoughts and prayers are with Shane’s family and friends.

Shane’s videos:
