CDC Investigation Notice: Multidrug-resistant Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Raw Chicken Products – Investigation Notice 2/21/19
For Immediate Release: Friday, February 21, 2019
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286
The final CDC investigation notice regarding a multistate outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to raw chicken products is now available:
- The outbreak investigation is over, but illnesses could continue because this Salmonella strain appears to be widespread in the chicken industry.
- Since the last update on October 17, 2018, 37 more ill people were reported, bringing the total number of cases to 129 from 32 states.
- Twenty-five people were hospitalized, including one death in New York. Questions about the death can be directed to the New York City Department of Health.
- The outbreak strain of Salmonella was found in live chickens and in many types of raw chicken products, indicating it might be widespread in the chicken industry.
- A single, common supplier of raw chicken products or of live chickens was not identified. In interviews, ill people reported eating different types and brands of chicken products purchased from many different locations.
- The outbreak strain was identified in raw chicken products, raw chicken pet food, and live chickens.
- Testing shows that the outbreak strain of Salmonella is resistant to multiple antibiotics that may be used to treat people with severe Salmonella infection. Advice for healthcare providers can be found in CDC’s Advice to Clinicians web page:
- CDC and USDA-FSIS shared this information with representatives from the chicken industry and requested that they take steps to reduce Salmonella contamination.
Advice to consumers:
- Always handle raw chicken carefully and cook it thoroughly to prevent food poisoning.
- CDC is NOT advising that consumers avoid eating properly cooked chicken products, or that retailers stop selling raw chicken products.
- General ways you can prevent Salmonella infection include good hand washing and cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165°F. More Salmonella prevention advice here:
- Do not wash raw poultry before cooking. Germs in raw chicken can spread to other foods and kitchen surfaces.
- People get sick from Salmonella 12 to 72 hours after swallowing the germ and experience diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.
- Most people recover within a week, but some illnesses can last longer and be more severe.
- See your healthcare provider if you are concerned about symptoms, such as a high fever (temperature over 101.5˚F), blood in your poop, diarrhea, or frequent vomiting that prevents keeping liquid down.
If you have questions about cases in a particular state, please call that state’s health department.
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