CDC 70th Anniversary: 7 Decades of Firsts

David J. Sencer CDC Museum

CDC 70th Anniversary: 7 Decades of Firsts

From the time that CDC was founded 70 years ago we have successfully controlled, contained, and even eliminated many health threats. Our vigilance at continuously combatting new and serious diseases that emerge daily and require immediate attention continues today.

The CDC’s 70th Anniversary is a great time to take a retro-futuristic look at the organization’s many accomplishments, and to ensure it continues to work worldwide to protect all of humanity from health, safety and security threats, and is able to respond when such threats arise, by putting proven science into action. Learn More about CDC’s 7 Decades of Firsts.

1960 Clifton Campus

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Celebrating 7 Decades Of Firsts
Celebrating 7 Decades Of Firsts

When you think of CDC, what comes to mind? Back in the beginning, it was mosquitoes and malaria. On July 1, 1946, the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) was founded by a visionary leader in public health, Dr. Joseph Mountin. 


CDC reminds you to protect children from potential lead hazards in some holiday toys and toy jewelry. Check out these.