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Community Profiles

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Through Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW), 50 local awardees are working to reduce obesity, tobacco use, or both.

The CPPW communities are a mix of urban, suburban, rural, and tribal areas. CPPW gives each community funds, tools, expert support, and flexibility to address its unique health problems.

Click on the links below to read what each community is doing to make healthy living easier. And check out a map of CPPW communities.


CPPW apple obesity icon


List of CPPW Obesity Communities

Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas Counties, Colorado Minneapolis, Minnesota
Appalachian District of North Carolina Multnomah County, Oregon
Bartholomew County, Indiana Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee
Suburban Cook County, Illinois North Little Rock, Arkansas
Douglas County, Nebraska Olmsted County, Minnesota
Kauai, Hawaii Pima County, Arizona
Hamilton County, Ohio Pinellas County, Florida
Healthy Lakes Region, Maine Pitt County, North Carolina
Independence County, Arkansas Portland, Maine
La Crosse County, Wisconsin Pueblo of Jemez, New Mexico
Louisville, Kentucky County of San Diego, California
Maui County, Hawaii San Antonio, Texas
Miami-Dade County, Florida Vanderburgh County, Indiana
Mid-Ohio Valley, West Virginia Wood County, Wisconsin
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