Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) – Awardees
Awardees served one of three different areas: large cities/counties with populations of 500,000 or more; small cities/counties with populations between 50,000-499,999; and American Indian tribes/tribal organizations.
- 13 large cities/urban counties
- 20 small cities/counties
- 6 American Indian tribes/tribal organizations
Awardees proposed specific activities to address the leading risk factors for the major causes of death and disability in the United States: tobacco use, poor nutrition, and physical inactivity. The proposed activities will not be finalized until plans have been finalized with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Awardee Name: Albemarle Regional Health Services
Geographic Locations of Work: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Edgecombe, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Northampton, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties in Northeast North Carolina
Award Amount: $439,641
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Battlle Betts
711 Roanoke Avenue
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Tel: 252-338-4404
Project Overview: Chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and chronic lower respiratory disease, are the leading causes of death and disability in the 15-county Northeast North Carolina region. To address risk factors for these diseases, a multi-sector coalition of health departments, faith-based institutions, local government agencies, and community organizations will implement strategies to reduce secondhand smoke exposure and improve nutrition. Specific goals include making more county government buildings tobacco-free and increasing the availability of healthy food and beverages in areas where such options are currently limited.
Awardee Name: Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC)
Geographic Location of Work: Boston, Massachusetts
Award Amount: $1,800,000
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Anne McHugh
1010 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118-2600
Tel: 617-534-2616
Project Overview: BPHC will collaborate with the Boston Alliance for Community Health, the Harvard School of Public Health Prevention Research Center, and a range of community partners to improve nutrition, increase physical activity levels, and protect residents from secondhand smoke exposure. BPHC will implement a set of citywide and population-specific strategies that will reach more than 75% of the city of Boston’s 618,000 residents. Specific goals include creating more smoke-free housing, increasing access to affordable fruits and vegetables and healthy beverages, and improving the built environment to provide more opportunities for walking and biking safely.
Awardee Name: Broward Regional Health Planning Council, Inc.
Geographic Location of Work: Broward County, Florida
Award Amount: $1,719,743
Sector: Nongovernmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Michael De Lucca
200 Oakwood Lane, Suite 100
Hollywood, FL 33020
Tel: 954-561-9681
Project Overview: In Broward County, a multi-sector coalition of 25 community partners is building on previous community health investments to address obesity and chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Working in 52 census tracts with high chronic disease burdens, this project aims to provide increased access to smoke-free multi-unit housing complexes, college campuses, and parks; to increase the availability, affordability, and promotion of healthy foods and beverages in childcare centers, schools, after-school programs, health care facilities, and government facilities; to provide residents with more opportunities for physical activity through community designs, increased support for walking and biking, and joint-use agreements; and expand programs and services for preventing and treating obesity and related chronic diseases, including training pediatricians to address obesity with their patients and referring them to self-management programs.
Awardee Name: Cherokee Nation
Geographic Locations of Work: Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Delaware, Mayes, McIntosh, Muskogee, Nowata, Ottawa, Rogers, Sequoyah, Tulsa, Wagoner, and Washington Counties, Oklahoma
Award Amount: $900,000
Sector: Tribal, Other
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Lisa Pivec
PO Box 1669
Tahlequah, OK 74465
Tel: 918-453-5616
Project Overview: The Cherokee Nation has a history of successfully leading CDC-funded cooperative agreements. As a previous awardee for the Community Transformation Grant Small Communities Program, Steps to a Healthier US Initiative, Strategic Alliance for Health (SAH), and Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW), Cherokee Nation was able to increase the capacity of its public health program and to implement prevention efforts. The Cherokee Nation has identified more than 30 priority populations that remain at increased risk for heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, diabetes, and obesity. PICH funding will allow Cherokee Nation to utilize strategies from the Guide to Community Preventive Services to reduce health disparities among these populations. Examples of evidence-based interventions include increasing the number of smoke-free schools and worksites, increasing farmers market access and farm-to-school programs, and increasing referrals to tobacco cessation programs.
Awardee Name: Cheshire Medical Center
Geographic Location of Work: Cheshire County, New Hampshire
Award Amount: $372,663
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Linda Rubin
580 Court Street
Keene, NH 03431
Tel: 603-354-5454, ext 3930
Project Overview: Chronic diseases are the primary causes of death, lifelong disability, compromised quality of life and increasing health care costs in Cheshire County. To address these issues, a multi-sector coalition of 30 individuals representing schools, organizations, coalitions, and businesses will support health and healthy behaviors, lower the overall burden of chronic disease and associated risk factors, and alleviate health disparities. The coalition’s four-pronged strategy will provide more opportunities for physical activity through implementation of Complete Streets policies and Safe Routes to School; increase access to smoke-free multi-unit housing complexes and tobacco cessation resources; increase access to healthy food and beverages options at worksites, community institutions (e.g. nursing homes, assisted living facilities), and food venues; and provide more opportunities for chronic disease prevention, risk reduction, or management.
Awardee Name: Community Action Partnership of Orange County
Geographic Locations of Work: Cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove, and Santa Ana, California
Award Amount: $1,385,251
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Dolores Barrett
11870 Monarch Street
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Tel: 714-899-3684, ext. 5301
Project Overview: In Orange County, Latinos, Asians, and Pacific Islanders suffer high rates of death from diabetes and other chronic diseases. A county-wide collaborative of the county health department, local government agencies, community-based organizations and universities, will work to address the chronic disease burden and associated risk factors among residents. Goals include increasing access to healthy food and beverage options through farm-to-school programs, community gardens, and other activities; increasing physical activity opportunities through enhanced physical education classes and implementation of pedestrian and bicycling plans; and promoting healthy living through public education initiatives.
Awardee Name: Cook County Department of Public Health
Geographic Location of Work: Suburban Cook County, Illinois
Award Amount: $2,480,807
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Gina Massuda Barnett
15901 S Cicero Avenue
Oak Forest, IL 60452
Tel: 708-633-8325
Project Overview: African-American and Hispanic residents of 33 impoverished communities in suburban Cook County suffer high prevalence of obesity and heart disease and related risk factors, including hypertension and high cholesterol. To address this burden, a 15-member multi-sector coalition consisting of local agencies, academic institutions, and faith-based organizations will increase access to smoke-free multi-unit housing complexes, healthy food options at corner stores, and opportunities for physical activity through active transportation plans and enhanced physical education programs. The coalition will also support improvements to the health care system to strengthen chronic disease management and prevention.
Awardee Name: County of Santa Clara
Geographic Location of Work: Santa Clara County, California
Award Amount: $1,901,813
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Bonnie Broderick
1400 Parkmoor Avenue, Suite 120B
San Jose, CA 95126
Tel: 408-793-2706
Project Overview: Diabetes prevalence is high among all Santa Clara County residents (8.3%), and it is significantly higher among certain population groups, as are other chronic diseases and obesity. To address this burden, a 98-member multi-sector coalition of healthcare and community service providers, faith-based, education, labor, business, healthcare, and governmental organizations will work to reduce secondhand smoke exposure in multi-unit housing complexes and prevent more youth from starting smoking; increase the availability of healthy food and beverage options; provide more physical activity opportunities and improved park and open space safety; and improve care coordination and monitoring of patients with or at a risk for chronic diseases, particularly diabetes.
Awardee Name: Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA
Geographic Location of Work: Vineland (Cumberland County), New Jersey
Award Amount: $450,000
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Lisa Scheetz
1159 E. Landis Avenue
Vineland, NJ 08360
Tel: 856-691-0300, ext 125
Project Overview: Cumberland County ranks last among New Jersey’s 21 counties for obesity. One-third of adults are obese. In the city of Vineland, 40% of children ages 3-5 are overweight or obese. Vineland has sizable health disparities compared to New Jersey and the nation, in particular for diabetes and heart disease. To address the factors contributing to this high chronic disease prevalence, a multi-sector community coalition consisting of the health department, community- and faith-based organizations, public schools, recreation department, and the Atlantic YMCA, will implement a three-pronged community health strategy that will focus on improving healthy food and beverage availability in retail stores and schools; increasing physical activity levels through more out-of-school programming and implementation of joint-use agreements to provide access to recreational facilities; and providing greater access to clinical and preventive services such as tobacco cessation.
Awardee Name: Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
Geographic Locations of Work: Counties of Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington, Maine
Award Amount: $1,350,000
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Douglas Michael
43 Whiting Hill Road
Brewer, ME 04412-0000
Tel: 207-973-6602
Project Overview: Poverty, isolation, lack of access to nourishing foods, limited access to fitness and recreational facilities, and long, harsh winter conditions are dominant influences negatively affecting the lives of northern Maine residents. These factors limit the quality of physical, mental, emotional, and social life, and create significant health disparities and obstacles to well-being. A multi-sector collaborative of state organizations, healthcare agencies, community and public health partners, will work to address chronic disease factors and prevent premature deaths and disability through a strategy that focuses on: increasing availability of healthy food and beverage options through community gardens, farmer distribution agreements, and other activities; providing more opportunities for physical activity by establishing safe walking routes and encouraging businesses to adopt wellness policies; and improving access to resources for chronic disease prevention, risk reduction, and self-management.
Awardee Name: Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board, Inc.
Geographic Locations of Work: 16 Arizona communities that make up the Fort Defiance Service Delivery Areas (FDSDA)
Award Amount: $824,823
Sector: Tribal, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigators Contact Information:
Patrick Lynch
P. O. Box 649
Corner of Navajo Highway, Route 7 and 12
Fort Defiance, AZ 86504
Tel: 928-729-8163
Project Overview: Incidence/prevalence and premature deaths from diabetes and obesity are many times higher among Navajos within FDSDA than the U.S. population in general. To address this issue, this project will strengthen relationships with tribal, state, and private organizations to expand access to health education, health screening and disease management services in homes, communities, schools, worksites, and health care settings.
Awardee Name: Fresno County Department of Public Health
Geographic Location of Work: Fresno County, California
Award Amount: $1,585,154
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Sara Bosse
1221 Fulton Mall, 3rd Floor
Fresno, CA 93721
Tel: 559-600-6449
Project Overview: A multi-sector coalition consisting of community-based organizations, schools, businesses, and local agencies will work to reduce high prevalence rates of obesity and chronic diseases, particularly among low-income residents of Fresno County, through a three-pronged strategy that addresses risk factors for these conditions–poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and lack of access to chronic disease prevention, risk reduction, and management opportunities. To increase daily consumption of vegetables and healthy beverages, the coalition will implement farm-to-school programs and improve the retail food environment. To promote physical activity, the coalition will support walking groups and forge joint-use agreements that allow public access to recreational facilities. Finally, residents will have more opportunity for better control of chronic diseases through increased access to chronic disease self-management programs.
Awardee Name: Fulton County
Geographic Location of Work: Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia
Award Amount: $2,971,528
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Kathleen E. Toomey, M.D., M.P.H.
District Health Director
Fulton County – Health Services
99 Jesse Hill, Jr. Dr.SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404 613-1205
Fax: 404 730-1294
Project Overview: With nearly 12% of its population suffering from diabetes, Fulton County has the highest number of individuals affected by chronic diseases and chronic disease risk factors of any county in the state of Georgia. African Americans, in particular, suffer higher prevalence of chronic diseases and many chronic disease risk factors. To address the high prevalence of chronic diseases and related risk factors, a multidisciplinary coalition comprised of government, school, health care, corporate, faith-based, and not-for-profit organizations will work to address underlying risk factors including tobacco use and exposure, inadequate physical activity, and poor nutrition. Strategies aim to create more tobacco-free parks, indoor places, and multi-unit housing complexes; increase access to healthy food and beverage options; provide more physical activity opportunities in schools and the communities through implementation of Complete Streets; and increase access to chronic disease prevention and risk reduction services.
Awardee Name: Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc.
Geographic Location of Work: New York City, New York
Award Amount: $3,600,000
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Romy Basil
42-09 28th Street 9th floor, CN-46
Long Island City, NY 11101
Tel: 347-396-4239
Project Overview: Residents of East and Central Harlem, the South Bronx, and North and Central Brooklyn have the highest mortality rates from chronic conditions and preventable diseases compared to residents in the rest of New York City. Building on previous community health investments, a 430-member multi-sector coalition led by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and an array of community organizations will implement strategies to address risk factors for chronic diseases and provide more opportunities for healthy living. Project goals include increasing the number of apartments covered by smoke-free building policies; increasing the distribution and reach of Health Bucks to incentivize the purchase of fruits and vegetables; improving physical activity levels in early childcare settings and schools; and providing more opportunities for tobacco cessation by employees, hospital inpatients and outpatients.
Awardee Name: Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board
Geographic Locations of Work: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse, and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa–Tribes located throughout North Dakota and South Dakota
Award Amount: $725,628
Sector: Tribal, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Nichole Cottier
1770 Rand Road
Rapid City, SD 57702
Tel: 605-721-1922
Project Overview: Northern Plains American Indians have high rates of chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity, and related risk factors. American Indians generally have nearly double the prevalence of diabetes as compared to the white population. More significantly, American Indians have nearly six-fold the mortality rate from diabetes versus their white counterparts. Diabetes is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To address these significant health disparities, this project will assist four tribal communities in identifying appropriate Healthy People 2020 goals that can be pursued through evidence-based and culturally appropriate practices to promote health and prevent chronic diseases.
Awardee Name: Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Dr. Bob Rauner
4600 Valley Road, Suite 250
Lincoln, NE 68510
Tel: 402-483-4800
Geographic Location of Work: Lincoln (Lancaster County), Nebraska
Award Amount: $685,886
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Project Overview: Residents of Lincoln’s Medically Underserved Area (MUA) have a disproportionately high prevalence of obesity and chronic diseases, especially diabetes. A multi-sector coalition consisting of education, health care, community organizations, governmental organizations, businesses, and the faith-based community will address two particular risk factors for chronic diseases—poor nutrition and physical inactivity—in the MUA. Goals include increasing the availability of healthy foods and beverages and access to physical activity opportunities in schools, community institutions, faith-based organizations, and worksites.
Awardee Name: Heart of Florida Health Center
Geographic Location of Work: Marion County, Florida
Award Amount: $1,349,638
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Rich Mutarelli
203 E. Silver Springs Boulevard, #101
Ocala, FL 34470
Tel: 352-732-6599 ext. 204
Project Overview: Marion County consistently ranks in the bottom one-quarter of counties in Florida on a variety of health indicators including obesity (26%), high blood pressure (35%), smoking rate (25%), and physical inactivity rate (26%). A multi-sector coalition consisting of the health department, a regional medical center, social service agencies, public schools, the county library, and an insurance company will work to improve health and reduce the burden of chronic disease through a four-pronged strategy that increases access to physical activity opportunities and access to healthy foods for children; provides greater access to tobacco cessation resources for students; and improves access to diabetes prevention, risk reduction, and management services and programs.
Awardee Name: Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio
Geographic Location of Work: Lucas County (city of Toledo), Ohio
Award Amount: $837,389
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Jan Ruma
3231 Central Park West, Suite 200
Toledo, OH, 43617
Tel: 419-842-0800
Project Overview: Chronic disease and related risk factors are the leading causes of death and disability in Lucas County (city of Toledo). Lucas County rates of high blood pressure (37%), diabetes (15%), and obesity (36%) are higher than rates in Ohio and the United States. A multi-sector coalition consisting of social service agencies, health departments, academic institutions, community and recreation organizations, and hospitals, aims to prevent and reduce the burden of chronic diseases by increasing the number of smoke-free multi-unit housing complexes; increasing the availability of healthy and food beverage options at corner stores; providing more access to tobacco cessation services; and increasing the number of people enrolled in care coordination services to prevent, reduce risk, or manage chronic diseases.
Awardee Name: Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department
Geographic Location of Work: Douglas County (Lawrence), Kansas
Award Amount: $448,578
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Dr. Christopher Tilden
200 Maine Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
Tel: 785-856-7312
Project Overview: Chronic diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease (stroke) and chronic lower respiratory disease are now responsible for more than half of deaths in Douglas County, and are among the top contributors of potential years of life lost. A multi-sector coalition consisting of 150 representatives from hospitals, governments, public schools, businesses, faith-based organizations, and health departments, will work to prevent and reduce chronic disease prevalence by implementing population-based strategies that provide greater access to local fruits and vegetables in schools, clinics, and food pantries; improve the built environment by implementing active transportation initiatives and expanding “safe routes” to support physical activity; and integrate electronic cigarettes into smoke-free policies.
Awardee Name: Los Angeles County Office of Education*
Geographic Locations of Work: Cities of Compton/Willowbrook, El Monte, Palmdale, Lennox, Los Angeles Promise Zone, Pomona, and South Los Angeles, California
Award Amount: $3,600,000
Sector: Governmental, Education
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Dr. Joanie Verderber
9300 Imperial Highway ECW# 233
Downey, CA 90242
Tel: 562-922-6681
Project Overview: In the cities of Compton/Willowbrook, El Monte, Palmdale, Lennox, Los Angeles Promise Zone, Pomona, and South Los Angeles, obesity prevalence among children ranges from 20% to 29%. Nearly 10% of children in these communities have inadequate access to medical services. Five of these communities also are considered “food deserts” where fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be purchased within walking distances. This project will work to improve opportunities for healthy living among students in the seven school districts, with specific focuses on reducing use of tobacco products and increasing access to healthy food, physical activity opportunities, and clinical services for chronic disease prevention and management. Among other aims, the project aims to implement new tobacco policies to prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems on school properties; provide more students with access to food assistance programs at schools; establish farmers markets or stands on school properties for students to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables using EBT; improve the nutritional quality of food served in schools; implement new school-based physical activity plans; and improve access for students and their families to health care services for chronic disease prevention and management. Leading this project will be a meta-coalition of the school districts and a range of groups working to improve nutrition and physical activity levels, and reduce tobacco use and exposure in Los Angeles County.
*Year 1 awardee with no future funding.
Awardee Name: Maine General Medical Center
Geographic Locations of Work: Kennebec and Somerset Counties, Maine
Award Amount: $489,277
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Natalie Morse
149 North Street
Thayer Center for Health
Waterville, ME 04901-4624
Tel: 207-861-5272
Project Overview: A high percentage of the residents of Kennebec and Somerset Counties are living with risk factors for chronic diseases including obesity and overweight, elevated blood pressure, and tobacco use. A multi-sector coalition of community organizations and clinical care providers will work to address these risk factors by increasing access to tobacco-free or smoke-free environments and tobacco use cessation resources, and providing more opportunities for chronic disease prevention services in clinical settings. This project will build on previous community health investments in these counties.
Awardee Name: Merced County Department of Public Health
Geographic Location of Work: Merced County, California
Award Amount: $1,350,000
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Kathleen Grassi
260 E. 15th Street
Merced, CA 95341
Tel: 209-381-1200
Project Overview: Heart disease and stroke accounted for more than 30% of deaths in Merced County in 2012. The 12% diabetes prevalence is higher than the 10% national prevalence. To address factors contributing to this chronic disease burden, a multi-sector coalition of community, government, health care, faith-based organizations, and businesses will implement a comprehensive strategy to decrease exposure to health risks and increase options for healthy choices. The project will expand smoke-free protections to multi-unit housing complexes and college campuses; increase physical activity opportunities through active transportation/community design planning and/or joint-use agreements; achieve Baby-Friendly Hospital designation in at least one local hospital system; and expand access to chronic disease prevention services through community health workers.
Awardee Name: Miami-Dade County
Geographic Location of Work: Miami-Dade County, Florida
Award Amount: $3,353,274
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Lillian Rivera
18255 Homestead Avenue
Miami, FL 33157
Tel: 305-278-3023
Project Overview: Chronic diseases and related risk factors (e.g., tobacco use and exposure, physical inactivity and poor nutrition) are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Miami-Dade County. More than 82% of respondents to a 2013 survey reported having one or more cardiovascular risk factors. Building on previous community health investments, a multi-sector coalition of government, health, academic, nonprofit, and private entities will address a range of chronic disease risk factors and provide additional opportunities for chronic disease management. Among other goals, this project will increase the number of smoke-free multi-unit housing complexes; increase availability of healthy food and beverage options in restaurants, institutional settings, workplaces, and childcare settings; increase physical activity opportunities in early childcare settings and parks, and by improving community designs to make streets safer for pedestrians; and provide more residents with access to preventive services and self-management programs for hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.
Awardee Name: My Brother’s Keeper, Inc.
Geographic Locations of Work: Center-Southwest Mississippi River Region (counties of Issaquena, Warren, Clairborne, Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson)
Award Amount: $1,350,000
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Angela Johnson
710 Avignon Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Tel: 601-898-0000, ext. 115
Project Overview: In the Central-Southwest Mississippi River Region, the cardiovascular disease mortality rate is among the highest in Mississippi. Cancer and stroke mortality rates also are among the highest in the state. Residents in this region are less likely to have access to affordable healthy foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables), engage in physical activity, and have access to healthcare services compared to their counterparts in other regions of Mississippi and across the nation. To address these factors contributing to high chronic disease prevalence, a multi-sector coalition of community-based organizations, health departments, and academic institutions will provide residents with increased access to tobacco cessation programs; healthy foods and beverages at farmers markets; and physical activity opportunities at parks and joint-use facilities. The coalition also plans to expand Community Health Teams to provide more residents with access to chronic disease prevention, risk reduction, and management services.
Awardee Name: Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
Geographic Location of Work: New Castle County, Delaware
Award Amount: $607,311
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Fanilda Shaw
Nemours Health & Prevention Services
2200 Concord Pike, 7th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19803
Tel: 302-298-7638
Project Overview: Nearly one-third of Delaware adults are obese and almost 40% have diagnosed high blood pressure. Within high-need communities of New Castle County, minorities experience even higher levels of obesity and high blood pressure, indicating significant health disparities. A multi-sector coalition consisting of governmental agencies, schools, childcare centers, healthcare systems, communities, and other organizations, will work to address behaviors that contribute to the high chronic disease prevalence, specifically poor nutrition and physical activity. This project will focus on increasing the availability of healthy food or beverage options at farmers markets, corner stores, and worksites; and increasing access to physical activity opportunities through improvements to the built improvement.
Awardee Name: North Coast Opportunities
Geographic Location of Work: Lake County, California
Award Amount: $472,770
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Patty Bruder
413 North State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482-4421
Tel: 707-462-1956
Project Overview: Lake County ranks last among California’s 58 counties for poorest health in terms of rates of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, obesity, and overweight. To address risk factors (tobacco use, poor nutrition, and physical inactivity) for these conditions, a multi-sector coalition consisting of public health and social service agencies, health providers, local government, and business organizations, will work to reduce tobacco use; provide greater access to healthy food and beverage options in grocery stores and restaurants; improve the built environment and worksite policies to support physical activity; and improve opportunities for chronic disease prevention, risk reduction, and management.
Awardee Name: Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
Geographic Location of Work: Pawnee County, Oklahoma
Award Amount: $267,346
Sector: Tribal, Other
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Tiffany Frietze
Pawnee Nation
881 Little Dee Drive
Pawnee, OK 74058
Tel: 918-762-3621
Project Overview: Oklahoma has the second highest rate of death due to heart disease in the nation. In Pawnee County, nearly $9 million was spent in 2010 on hospitalizations due to heart disease. In addition, nearly 1 in 7 adults in Pawnee County has diabetes. To address the underlying risk factors for these chronic diseases, a multi-sector coalition of Pawnee National tribal programs and the Pawnee Indian Health Center will work to improve nutrition and physical activity levels and reduce smoking prevalence. Specific aims include implementing a wellness worksite program for Pawnee Nation employees; providing more physical activity opportunities for Tribal members through physical activity classes, biking, walking, and running programs; improving the built environment to support physical activity; and providing residents with greater access to tobacco cessation classes and treatment.
Awardee Name: Pinellas County
Geographic Location of Work: Pinellas County, Florida
Award Amount: $866,517
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Ulyee Choe
205 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street N
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
Tel: 727-824-6945
Project Overview: Pinellas County’s 497,000 residents have higher prevalence of overweight and obesity, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes than the general population in the United States or Florida. A 73-member, multi-sector coalition consisting of community institutions, health care and faith-based organizations is working to mitigate the risk factors for chronic diseases resulting from limited access to healthy food and beverages and physical activity opportunities. Among other goals, the coalition will implement population-based strategies such as increasing access to healthy food and beverage options in schools and recreation facilities and increasing the number of farmers markets that accept Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT). To promote greater levels of physical activity, the coalition will work to improve the safety of trails and parks and make improvements that support walking and biking.
Awardee Name: Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Geographic Locations of Work: Upper Peninsula of Michigan encompassing seven rural counties (Alger, Chippewa, Delta, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette and Schoolcraft)
Award Amount: $810,000
Sector: Tribal, Other
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Colleen Commons
2864 Ashmun Street
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Tel: 906-632-5241
Project Overview: Rates of overweight and obesity among Sault Tribe members are higher than the general population of Michigan. An estimated 37% of Sault Tribe adults are overweight or obese. Diabetes is almost double the rate among Sault Tribe members than the general population. In the Sault Tribe, 33% of adults smoke, a rate 1.5 times higher than Michigan’s smoking rate and 1.7 times higher than the U.S. smoking rate. Building on previous community health investments, a multi-sector coalition of tribal leaders and agencies will lead a project that will address the underlying risk factors for chronic diseases and provide more opportunities for healthy living. Specific goals include increasing tobacco-free worksites and outdoor recreation areas; increasing the availability of healthier food and beverages by getting farmers markets to accept EBT; and improving the built environment to provide more opportunities for physical activity.
Awardee Name: Schenectady County
Geographic Location of Work: Schenectady County, New York
Award Amount: $450,000
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Natalie Schubel
107 Nott Terrace
Suite 304
Schenectady, NY 12308
Project Overview: Diabetes prevalence (9.4%) among Schenectady County residents is the highest among any community in upstate New York. Indo-Guyanese residents, a priority population for this project, have a type-2 diabetes prevalence of nearly 29%. Poor nutrition and lack of access to diabetes prevention, risk reduction, and care management are major factors contributing to the high levels of diabetes. To address these issues, a multi-sector coalition consisting of community organizations, stakeholders, and public health services, will work to improve access to healthy food and beverages and strengthen clinical and community linkages. Specific goals include increasing the availability of healthier food and beverage choices in public service venues such as after-school programs and childcare centers; implementing healthy food procurement policies; and improving diabetes case management within clinical settings.
Awardee Name: Seattle-King County Department of Public Health
Geographic Location of Work: King County, Washington
Award Amount: $2,966,405
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Co-Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Brian Saelens
401 5th Avenue Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
Co-Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Nadine Chan
401 5th Avenue Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
Tel: 206-268-8784
Project Overview: Residents of the King County “Diffusion Zone” have a disproportionate burden of chronic conditions and risk factors relative to the rest of the county. These residents also have higher obesity, overweight, and smoking rates than the U.S. averages. Building on previous community health investments, a multi-sector coalition of community- and faith-based organizations, schools, childcare facilities, health care, businesses, local governments, and academic institutions, will implement strategies to reduce chronic disease prevalence and risk factors and provide opportunities for healthy living. Among the goals will be to increase access to environments with healthy food and beverage options; increase physical activity opportunities in schools and childcare settings; improve community designs to support physical activity; increase access to tobacco-free environments including multi-unit housing complexes, higher education campuses, and school districts; and increase access to tobacco cessation resources.
Awardee Name: Solano County Public Health Services, County of Solano
Geographic Location of Work: Solano County, California
Award Amount: $1,231,198
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Robin Cox
275 Beck Avenue, MS 5-240
Fairfield, CA 94533
Tel: 707-784-8611
Project Overview: Large and diverse segments of Solano County’s population have disproportionately high rates of unhealthy behaviors and health outcomes. Solano County’s age-adjusted rate of adult diabetes is 9.8%, higher than the California and national averages. In one community (Suisun City), the estimated rate of adolescent obesity is 46%. Nearly one-quarter of Solano County residents have poor access to food and residents also smoke at higher rates than residents in other counties in the state. Building on previous community health investments, a multi-sector coalition consisting of health care, academic, social service, community-based, and local government agencies will improve opportunities for healthy living. Specific aims include increasing the availability and affordability of healthy foods and beverages in a variety of community settings; promoting water consumption in schools; getting corner/convenience store owners to sell fruits and vegetables; limiting the number of tobacco retail outlets and making more parks smoke-free; and establishing clinical referral systems for patients with high blood pressure or diabetes to learn about healthy living.
Awardee Name: Southern Nevada Health District
Geographic Location of Work: Clark County, Nevada
Award Amount: $2,650,555
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Michael Johnson
330 S. Valley View Boulevard
P.O. Box 3902
Las Vegas, NV 89127-3902
Tel: 702-759-1286
Project Overview: Residents of Clark County report high levels of secondhand smoke exposure at work (30%), high levels of obesity (27%) and overweight (37%). To address these risk factors for chronic diseases, a multi-sector coalition of organizations spanning public health, education, health plans, non-profits, transportation, advocacy, and the state legislature, will build on previous community health investments to expand smoke-free or tobacco-free environments such as multi-unit housing complexes; increase access to healthy food and beverage options in government facilities and farmers markets; increase access to physical activity opportunities through Complete Streets policies and new supports for walking and biking; and increase the number of people with access to programs for chronic disease prevention, risk reduction and management, with a focus on diabetes.
Awardee Name: Tanner Medical Center, Inc.
Geographic Locations of Work: Carroll, Haralson and Heard Counties, Georgia
Award Amount: $859,413
Sector: Nongovernmental, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Amy Riedesel
705 Dixie Street
Carrollton, GA 30117
Tel: 770-836-9282
Project Overview: Residents of Carroll, Haralson and Heard Counties suffer disproportionate burdens of chronic disease compared to other parts of Georgia and the United States. Local residents also experience a comparatively high prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, and limited access to healthy foods that lead to the development of chronic diseases. A 160-member multi-sector coalition consisting of government agencies, school systems, healthcare providers, public housing authorities, parks and recreation departments, businesses, faith-based organizations, and media, will build on previous community health investments to reduce chronic disease risks for residents of the three counties. This project will expand smoke-free protections at work sites, schools, churches, and parks; increase the availability of healthy food and beverage options in multiple settings including schools; provide more opportunities for physical activity at worksites and early childcare centers; and improve access to chronic disease preventive services and self-management programs in multiple settings.
Awardee Name: The Lima Family YMCA
Geographic Location of Work: Allen County (city of Lima), Ohio
Award Amount: $450,000
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Josh Unterbrink
136 S. West Street
Lima, OH 45801-4851
Tel: 419-221-5035
Project Overview: In 2009, 12% of the adult population in Allen County had diabetes. For low-income residents, this figure rises to 15%. The overall obesity rate in Allen County is 37% compared to the Ohio obesity rate of 30%. In general, chronic disease prevalence in Allen County is increasing and disproportionately affects the African-American population. A multi-sector coalition of organizations spanning local government, businesses, non-profit, faith-based, higher education, K-12 education, preschool education, public health, community planning, social service, healthcare, hospital, and mental health will work to address Lima’s high chronic disease burden. Building on previous community health investments, this project aims to increase number of smoke-free workplaces and multi-unit housing complexes; increase the availability of healthy food options at corner stores; promote the implementation of an Active Transportation Plan to increase physical activity levels; provide more physical activity opportunities in childcare centers; and expand tobacco cessation and diabetes prevention services.
Awardee Name: Toiyabe Indian Health Project
Geographic Locations of Work: Inyo and Mono Counties, California
Award Amount: $673,340
Sector: Tribal, Healthcare/Hospital
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Rick Frey
52 Tu Su Lane
Bishop, CA 93514-8058
Tel: 760-873-8111
Project Overview: Native American populations suffer disproportionate high rates of chronic diseases relative to the general non-Native population. In addition, American Indian/Alaska Native adults are 1.3 times as likely as white adults to have high blood pressure and 60% more likely to be obese than non-Hispanic whites. A multi-sector coalition of partners including school districts, county public health department, and local governments will work to address two of the risk factors for chronic diseases–poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Building on previous community health investments, this project will increase the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables through community gardens and farmers markets, and increase access to traditional and culturally appropriate healthy food. In addition, physical activity opportunities will be improved through the addition of new outdoor physical wellness centers, as well as bicycle and walking paths.
Awardee Name: Trinity Medical Center
Geographic Locations of Work: Quad Cities, Illinois and Iowa (Rock Island County, Illinois and Scott County, Iowa; cities of Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa and Rock Island, East Moline and Moline, Illinois)
Award Amount: $426,869
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Nicole Carkner
1227 East Rusholme Street
Central Park Medical Pavilion 2, Suite 3100
Davenport, IA 52803
Tel: 563-421-2815
Project Overview: Quad Cities Area residents have high prevalence of overweight (72%) and obesity (33%). In addition, 19% of adults are smokers, 36% have high blood pressure, and 36% have high cholesterol. Adult diabetes prevalence also is high at 11%. A multi-sector coalition of health providers, public health agencies, businesses, education, city governments, human service agencies, non-profit organizations and civic sectors, will work to prevent chronic diseases by focusing on the primary risk factors for chronic diseases–physical inactivity and poor nutrition. The project aims to strengthen comprehensive school wellness policies; implement Safe Routes to Schools; improve nutrition and physical activity in childcare settings; establish neighborhood gardens to provide more access to fresh fruits and vegetables; and promote physical activity opportunities to the public using technology.
Awardee Name: Woodbury County
Geographic Location of Work: Woodbury County, Iowa
Award Amount: $120,458
Sector: Governmental, Public Health
Principal Investigators Contact Information:
Michelle Lewis
Siouxland District Health Department
1014 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA 51105
Tel: 712-279-6119
Kevin Grieme
Siouxland District Health Department
1014 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA 51105
Tel: 712-279-6119
Project Overview: In 2012, one-fourth of Woodbury County residents did not participate in any physical activities during the previous month, while 71 % of the population was categorized as either overweight or obese. These factors have contributed to a rising rate of deaths from cardiovascular disease in the county. To address this trend, a multi-sector coalition of community organizations, businesses, public health agencies, and health care entities will increase opportunities for healthy eating and active living. Among the goals, this project will work to implement on-site gardens at worksites to provide residents with greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables; provide more healthy food and physical activity opportunities to children in childcare settings; and support physical activity by implementing Complete Streets and Safe Routes to Schools.
Awardee Name: YMCA of Greenville
Geographic Location of Work: Greenville, South Carolina
Award Amount: $472,851
Sector: Nongovernmental, Community-based Organization
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Sally Wills
723 Cleveland Street
Greenville, SC 29601
Tel: 864.373.3614
Principal Investigator Contact Information:
Jamie Inman
723 Cleveland Street
Greenville, SC 29601
Project Overview: More than one-third of Greenville adults are obese and 67% are overweight–levels that are higher than the national prevalence. Similarly, the percentages of adults with high cholesterol (37%), diabetes (11%), and hypertension (31%) are higher than national levels. A multi-sector coalition of local and state government, business, health care organizations, education, public health, parks and recreation, philanthropy and grassroots citizens, is working to make living well easier and reduce chronic disease prevalence. Under this project, the coalition will increase opportunities for physical activity through targeted improvements to parks; increase access to locally grown produce through a network of mobile markets, community-supported agriculture, food co-operatives, and community gardens; and improve the quality of school lunches and competitive foods at school-related functions.