The following journal articles focus on advancing the science and practice of community health.
Publications by Program
Additional Community Health Publications by Topic
Publications below are by CDC authors.
Built Environment collapsed
Pratt M, Yin S, Soler R, et al. Does Perceived Neighborhood Walkability and Safety Mediate the Association Between Education and Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines? Prev Chronic Dis 2015;12:140570.
Buckner-Brown J, Sharify DT, Blake B, et al. Using the Community Readiness Model to Examine the Built and Social Environment: A Case Study of the High Point Neighborhood, Seattle, Washington, 2000–2010. Prev Chronic Dis 2014;11:140235.
Clinical-Community Linkages collapsed
Liao Y, Siegel PZ, White S, et al. Improving actions to control high blood pressure in Hispanic communities- Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across the U.S. Project, 2009-2012. Prev Med 2016;83:11-15
Data Collection and Evaluation collapsed
Minnis, A., Catelier, D., Kent, et al. Differences in chronic disease behaviors by sexual orientation and sex. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2016 Jan-Feb;22 Suppl 1:S25-32.
Amaya A, Leclere F, Carris K, et al. Where to start: an evaluation of primary data collection modes in an address-based sampling design. Public Opinion Quarterly 2015;79(2):420-442
Trogdon JG, Murphy LB, Khavjou OA, et al. Costs of Chronic Diseases at the State Level: The Chronic Disease Cost Calculator. Prev Chronic Dis 2015;12:150131.
Zhou H, Siegel P, Barile JP, et al. Models for count data with an application to healthy days measures: Are you driving in screws with a hammer? Prev Chronic Dis 2014:11:130252
Health Equity collapsed
Liburd L, Ehlinger E, Liao Y, et al. Strengthening the science and practice of health equity in public health. J Public Health Management Practice 2016;22(Suppl 1):S1-S4
Minnis, A., Catelier, D., Kent, et al. Differences in Chronic Disease Behavioral Indicators by Sexual Orientation and Sex. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2016 Jan-Feb;22 Suppl 1:S25-32.
Anderson LM, Adeney KL, Shinn C, et al. Community coalition-driven interventions to reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009905.
Nutrition collapsed
Soler R, Orenstein D, Honeycutt A, et al. Community-Based Interventions to Decrease Obesity and Tobacco Exposure and Reduce Health Care Costs: Outcome Estimates From Communities Putting Prevention to Work for 2010–2020. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:150272.
Liao Y, Siegel PZ, Zhou H, et al. Reduced disparity in vegetable consumption in 16 disadvantaged Black communities: A successful 5-year community-based participatory intervention. J Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2015;2:211-218
Special Supplements collapsed
Preventing Chronic Disease — Communities Putting Prevention to Work [PDF-5M] Eight articles from CPPW awardees that focus on supporting healthy eating by changing the retail environment.
• Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: Assessing the Rural Food Environment, Part 1.
• Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: Engaging Stakeholders for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative, Part 2.
• Development of a Community-Sensitive Strategy to Increase Availability of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Nashville’s Urban Food Deserts, 2010–2012.
• The Impact of New York City’s Health Bucks Program on Electronic Benefit Transfer Spending at Farmers Markets, 2006–2009.
• Increasing Access to Farmers Markets for Beneficiaries of Nutrition Assistance: Evaluation of the Farmers Market Access Project.
• Partnering With Community Institutions to Increase Access to Healthful Foods Across Municipalities.
• Improving Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Low-Income Customers at Farmers Markets: Philly Food Bucks, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2011.
• Monetary Matched Incentives to Encourage the Purchase of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Farmers Markets in Underserved Communities.
• Supporting Healthful Eating Through Retail Environmental Change: Communities Putting Prevention to Work.
Tobacco-Free Living collapsed
Soler R, Orenstein D, Honeycutt A, et al. Community-Based Interventions to Decrease Obesity and Tobacco Exposure and Reduce Health Care Costs: Outcome Estimates From Communities Putting Prevention to Work for 2010–2020. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:150272.
Zhou H, Tsoh JY, Grigg-Saito D, et al. Decreasing Smoking Disparity among Vietnamese and Cambodian Communities – Findings from the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Project, 2002 – 2006. MMWR 2014;63(Suppl 1):37-45