High Obesity Program 2014

CDC funded 11 land grant universities to work with community extension services to increase access to healthier foods and safe and accessible places for physical activity in counties that have more than 40% of adults with obesity.

Infographic: Programs to Reduce Obesity in High Obesity Areas [PDF-1.16MB]

Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity’s (DNPAO) Implementation Guidance and Resources for Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-DP14-1416, Programs to Reduce Obesity in High Obesity Areas [PDF-986KB]

This document contains guidance to help implement recommended strategies for the Programs to Reduce Obesity in High Obesity Areas. For each strategy and corresponding interventions, there is background information, suggested activities and implementation guidance. The guidance provided is not intended to be comprehensive.

Learn more about the HOP program in Preventing Chronic Disease (see summary [PDF – 600 KB] for more details).

List of High Obesity awardees by state, includes grantee profiles, fiscal year 2017 funding amounts, principal investigator names, and email addresses.
State Awardee Grantee Profiles FY2017 Funding Amount Principal Investigator Email Address
Alabama Auburn University [PDF-683KB] $1,329,767 Barb Struempler struebj@aces.edu
Arkansas University of Arkansas, Fayetteville [PDF-753KB] $880,928 Lisa Washburn lwashburn@uaex.edu
Georgia University of Georgia [PDF-2.48MB] $615,543 Marsha Davis davism@uga.edu
Indiana Purdue University [PDF-2.55MB] $573,672 Timothy Gavin gavin1@purdue.edu
Kentucky University of Kentucky [PDF-628KB] $786,256 Ann Vail ann.vail@uky.edu
Louisiana Louisiana State University [PDF-749KB] $1,013,567 Denise Holston DHolston@agcenter.lsu.edu
North Carolina North Carolina State University [PDF-2.69MB]  $773,677 Anne Hardison-Moody amhardis@ncsu.edu
South Dakota South Dakota State University [PDF-897KB] $1,072,400 Suzanne Stluka Suzanne.Stluka@sdstate.edu
Tennessee University of Tennessee [PDF-655KB] $1,048,000 Laura Stephenson lsteph18@tennessee.edu
Texas Texas A&M University [PDF-1.1MB] $1,005,477 Carol Rice crice@ag.tamu.edu
West Virginia West Virginia University [PDF-689KB] $506,830 Cindy Fitch cindy.fitch@mail.wvu.edu
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