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Chapter 3
Physiologic Responses and Long-Term Adaptations to Exercise
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- Introduction
- Physiologic Responses to Episodes of Exercise
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
- Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
- Cardiac Output
- Blood Flow
- Blood Pressure
- Oxygen Extraction
- Coronary Circulation
- Respiratory Responses to Exercise
- Resistance Exercise
- Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
- Skeletal Muscle
- Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism
- Energy Systems
- Metabolic Rate
- Maximal Oxygen Uptake
- Lactate Threshold
- Hormonal Responses to Exercise
- Immune Responses to Exercise
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
- Long-Term Adaptations to Exercise Training
- Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle and Bone
- Metabolic Adaptations
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory Adaptations
- Long-Term Cardiovascular Adaptations
- Respiratory Adaptations
- Maintenance, Detraining, and Prolonged Inactivity
- Maintaining Fitness and Muscular Strength
- Detraining
- Prolonged Inactivity
- Special Considerations
- Disability
- Environmental Conditions
- Effects of Age
- Differences by Sex
- Conclusions
- Research Needs
- References
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