Historical Document
This document is provided by the National Center for Environmental Health ONLY as an historical reference for the public health community. It is no longer being maintained and the data it contains may no longer be current and/or accurate.
For current information about cancer clusters, please visit
- Map 1. Geographic Location of Study Households, Churchill County,
- PDF [135 Kb]
- Map 2. Distribution of Urinary Tungsten Results Among Churchill
County Residents at Time of Sample Collection, August 2001-February
- PDF [146 Kb]
- Map 3. Distribution of Tungsten Measured in Drinking Water Samples
Collected at Current Residence of Study Participant, August 2001-October
- PDF [147 Kb]
- Map 4. Distribution of Urinary Arsenic Levels Among Churchill County
Residents at Time of Sample Collection, August 2001-February 2002.
- PDF [164 Kb]
- Map 5. Distribution of Nonpersistent Pesticide Results Among
Churchill County Residents at Time of Sample Collection, August
2001-February 2002.
- PDF [208 Kb]
- Map 6. Distribution of Benzene Results Among Churchill County
Residents at Time of Sample Collection, August 2001-February 2002.
- PDF [143 Kb]