Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (ACCLPP)

In 2012, the Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (ACCLPP) recommended eliminating the use of the term “blood lead level of concern.” This recommendation is based on evidence that there is no safe level of lead in children’s blood.

Please refer to the following documents for more information.

The Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (ACCLPP) was established in December 1989 to provide advice to assist the nation in reducing the incidence and prevalence of childhood lead poisoning. The most recent charter, that expired on October 31, 2013, called for ACCLPP to:

  • review and report regularly on childhood lead poisoning prevention practices;
  • recommend improvement in national childhood lead poisoning prevention efforts; and
  • develop written recommendations for the prevention and control of childhood lead poisoning.

The ACCLPP consisted of 13 regular voting members knowledgeable in fields associated with childhood lead poisoning who were selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Committee also included nine nonvoting ex officio members representing additional agencies of the U.S. government and nine nonvoting liaison representatives representing organizations with interests in childhood lead poisoning prevention.

CDC is committed to childhood lead poisoning prevention. To address this important public health concern, CDC established the Lead Poisoning Prevention Subcommittee of the NCEH/ATSDR Board of Scientific Counselors in March 2015 and the subcommittee existed until June 2019. The subcommittee was established to provide expertise on public health policies and practices relevant to lead poisoning prevention and to conduct preparatory research, analysis, and other developmental activities involving more detailed work that cannot be practically accomplished by the full Board of Scientific Counselors.