Survey Results and Products

Visit the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey website at and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey at for more information about these surveys.

Web Tables

The annual NAMCS and NHAMCS-ED and NHAMCS-OPD summaries that have been published in the National Health Statistics Report series since 2006 and, prior to that, in the Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics series, have been discontinued. The last year for the annual summary publications was 2007. Highlights from each new year of NAMCS and NHAMCS data are now being featured in the shorter Data Brief series. However, the standard tables from the traditional summaries will continue to be produced in PDF format on the web. These are referred to as Summary Tables in the links below. Other tables are also available, some combining data across surveys or across years. Also shown are data from the National Electronic Health Records Survey (NEHRS), which started as a NAMCS supplement.


Publications using NAMCS/NHAMCS data

  • Downloadable NCHS Reports – Selected NCHS reports are listed here, which can be viewed or downloaded.
  • NAMCS/NHAMCS Publications List [PDF – 1.9 MB] – This contains a chronological listing of citations for NCHS reports, journal articles, and other publications using NAMCS and NHAMCS data. It is meant to be a reference document and does not provide links to all downloadable reports. Please report any mistakes or omissions to the Ambulatory and Hospital Care Statistics Branch.
  • Health, United States
  • National Healthcare Disparities Report
  • National Healthcare Quality Report
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States



The Ambulatory and Hospital Care Statistics Branch compiles a series of Factsheets for each physician specialty group sampled in NAMCS, as well as hospital emergency and outpatient departments sampled in NHAMCS. These Factsheets present data on ambulatory medical care visits provided at the sampled physicians’ offices and the sampled hospitals.