Additional NAMCS and NHAMCS data available at the Research Data Center

Visit the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey website at and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey at for more information about these surveys.

The NAMCS and NHAMCS datasets that are available to approved users of the NCHS Research Data Center contain additional variables not included on the public use datasets.

Geocoded data for NAMCS and NHAMCS 1999-2009 are available at the NCHS Research Data Center. These data consist of distances between each patient’s ZIP Code of residence and the nearest hospital and Federally Qualified Health Center

The NAMCS and NHAMCS datasets that are available to approved users of the NCHS Research Data Center contain additional variables not included on the public use datasets.

Geocoded data for NAMCS and NHAMCS 1999-2009 are available at the NCHS Research Data Center. These data consist of distances between each patient’s ZIP Code of residence and the nearest hospital and Federally Qualified Health Center