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RANDS 1 was conducted by Gallup in the fall of 2015. Data collection began on November 2, 2015, and ended on December 9, 2015. Gallup invited 9,809 of the Gallup Panel members to complete the RANDS web questionnaire. Of the members contacted, 2,304 completed the survey, resulting in a 23.5% completion rate. The survey included existing questions from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

Rands 3
File Description File Link
Read Me file RANDS1_readme.pdf [PDF – 61 KB]
Data file (.csv) RANDS1.csv [XLS – 532 KB]
Data file (.txt) RANDS1.txt [TXT – 531 KB]
Codebook RANDS1_codebook.pdf [PDF – 62 KB]
Example SAS code to read .txt data file RANDS1_read.sas [SAS – 5 KB]
Questionnaire RANDS1_questionnaire.pdf [PDF – 152 KB]
Technical documentation RANDS1_technical_documentation.pdf [PDF – 169 KB]
Formats RANDS1-formats.sas [SAS – 6 KB]