Mining Feature: Researcher Wins Best Paper Award

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A NIOSH Mining Program researcher was awarded the Stefanko Best Paper Award during the 2019 Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Conference and Expo in Denver in late February.

Khaled Mohamed, along with colleagues and co-authors Gamal Rashed, Morgan Sears, John Rusnak, and Mark Van Dyke, was recognized for the paper, "Calibration of a Coal-mass Model Using an In situ Coal Pillar Strength Study."

The Stefanko Best Paper Award was established in 1983 and recognizes authors presenting papers in the Coal & Energy Division technical sessions at SME annual meetings every year. The award, named after Dr. Robert Stefanko, who was SME President from 1979 to 1981, recognizes authors for their contributions to the body of knowledge.

Page last reviewed: April 7, 2020
Page last updated: March 13, 2019