Mining Workshop: Diesel Aerosols and Gases in Underground Metal and Nonmetal Mines
Salt Lake City, UT: June 17, 2012
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) hosted a one-day short course at the 14th U.S. / North American Mine Ventilation Symposium to discuss issues related to reducing exposure of underground miners to diesel emissions. The workshop is intended for mine and safety professionals involved in assessing, controlling, and monitoring mine worker’s risk of exposure to aerosols and gases emitted by diesel-powered equipment. The workshop is designed to provide attendees with information on the multifaceted integrated approach toward addressing this important health and safety issue.
Integrated Approach toward Reducing Exposure of Underground Miners to Diesel Emissions
Aleksandar Bugarski, Lead Research Engineer
Systematic Prevention of Diesel Exposures in UG Mining
Samuel Janisko, Mechanical Engineer
Keeping Your Diesel Control Program in Control
Sean McGinn, MKNIZD Factors Inc.
Diesel Engine Technology
Diesel Engine Technology
Samuel Janisko, Mechanical Engineer
Cummins Tier 4 Technology
Evelynn Stirling, Cummins Inc.
The DEUTZ Path to Tier 4 for Underground Mining Engines
Greg Tremaine, DEUTZ Corporation
Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Technologies
Exhaust Aftertreatment Technologies for
Curtailment of Diesel Particulate Matter and
Gaseous Emissions
Aleksandar Bugarski, Lead Research Engineer
Experience with After Treatment Technologies
at Newmont USA Limited, Leeville Complex,
Carlin Nevada
Troy Terrillion, Newmont USA Limited
Diesel Fuels, Fuel Additives and Lubricants
Alternative Fuels as a Diesel Emissions Control
Aleksandar Bugarski, Lead Research Engineer
Emissions Assisted Maintenance Program (EAMP)
Emissions Assisted Maintenance Program
Emanuele Cauda, Senior Service Fellow
Arch Coal's Emissions Based Maintenance Program
Steve Forbush, Arch Coal
Control of Airborne Pollutants
Controlling DPM Exposure with Environmental Cabs and PPE
Steven Mischler, Physical Scientist
Exposure, Monitoring and Risk Assessment for Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases
Monitoring Exposure to Gases
Emanuele Cauda, Senior Service Fellow
- Aerosols Emitted in Underground Mine Air by Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel
- Comparing Measurements of Carbon in Diesel Exhaust Aerosols Using the Aethalometer, NIOSH Method 5040, and SMPS
- Control Technologies and Strategies for Reducing Exposure of Underground Miners to Diesel Emissions
- Diesel Aerosols and Gases in Underground Mines: Guide to Exposure Assessment and Control
- The Effectiveness of Selected Technologies in Controlling Diesel Emissions in an Underground Mine: Isolated Zone Study at Stillwater Mining Company's Nye Mine
- Effects of Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Devices on Concentrations and Size Distribution of Aerosols in Underground Mine Air
- Effects of Sintered Metal Diesel Particulate Filter System on Diesel Aerosols and Nitric Oxides in Mine Air
- Mutagenicity of Diesel Exhaust Particles from an Engine with Differing Exhaust After Treatments
- Role of Lubrication Oil in Particulate Emissions from a Hydrogen-Powered Internal Combustion Engine
- Technology News 514 - The Air Quantity Estimator (AQE): A New Computer Software Tool for Large-opening Mine Ventilation Planning