Mining Workshop: Strategies to Reduce Miners Exposure to DPM and Gases (Elko)

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Elko, Nevada: June 5, 2007 - June 6, 2007

Sponsored by the Nevada Mining Association, NIOSH and the Mine Safety and Health Administration. The following documents from the Workshop are available for downloading:


Welcome and Introduction
Russ Fields, NvMA

Overview of Current Metal/Nonmetal Diesel Regulations
James Petrie, MSHA

Controlling Exposure of Underground Miners to Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases
Chair: Aleksandar Bugarski, NIOSH

Introduction to an Integrated Approach toward Reducing Exposure of Underground Miners to Diesel Emissions
Aleksandar Bugarski, NIOSH

Selection of Engines for Underground Mining Applications
George Saseen, MSHA

Alternative Fuels in Underground Mines
George Schnakenberg, NIOSH

Role of Engine Emissions Assisted Maintenance Program for Underground Mines
Steve Forbush, Arch Coal

Monitoring Exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases
George Schnakenberg, NIOSH

Exhaust After Treatment Technologies
Chair: Steve Forbush, Arch Coal

Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Technologies
Wayne Cochrane, Lubrizol ECS

Effects of Exhaust Aftertreatment Technologies on Concentrations of Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases in Underground Mine
Aleksandar Bugarski, NIOSH

Application of Diesel Emissions Reduction Controls for Nonroad Construction Equipment
Michael Block, Emisstar LLC

Exhaust Aftertreatment Technologies in Metal/Nonmetal Mines
Sean McGinn, McGinn Integration

Exhaust After Treatment Technologies at Greens Creek
Mark Good, Kennecott

Exhaust After Treatment Technologies at Stillwater Mining Company
Richard Collins, Stillwater Mining Company

Exhaust After Treatment Technologies in Coal Mines
Steve Forbush, Arch Coal

Monitoring Concentrations of Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases
Chair: George Schnakenberg, NIOSH

Personal Exposure Monitoring and Efforts to Mitigate Exposure
James Petrie, MSHA

Instrumentation and Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Gases Emitted by Diesel Engines
George Schnakenberg, NIOSH

Instrumentation and Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Particulates Emitted by Diesel Engines
Steven Mischler, NIOSH

Program for Monitoring Concentrations and Exposures to Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases in Underground Mines
Jennifer Hass, Queenstake Resources, Inc.

Program for Monitoring Concentrations and Exposures to Diesel Particulate Matter and Gases in Underground Mines
Buck Chamberlain, Stillwater Mining


Biodiesel and Synthetic Fuels
Chair: George Schnakenberg, NIOSH

Thermal Converter
Rod Hosilyk, Universal Combustion Technology

Biodiesel Supply
Dave Campbell, Haycock Petroleum

Experience with Synthetic Fuels
Steve Forbush, Arch Coal

Engine Session
Chair: George Saseen, MSHA

Engine Technologies for Tier 3 and 4
Michael Block, Emisstar

Electronic Engine Diagnostic Tools
John De La Hunt, Smith DDA

Interpretation on Diesel Engine Emissions Data
Steve Forbush, Arch Coal

Estimation of Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions and the Elko Estimator Training Spreadsheet referenced on slide 13 (a functional DPM Estimator spreadsheet in Excel format can be obtained from the author)
George Saseen, MSHA


Wrap-Up and Closing Comments


Page last reviewed: January 22, 2013
Page last updated: January 22, 2013