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Charleston, WV: June 21, 2005 - June 22, 2005

Hosted by NIOSH. The following documents are available for downloading:


Overview of the hearing loss prevention program at the NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory.
Dr. Güner Gürtunca, NIOSH

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Hearing Conservation

Introduction to noise-induced hearing loss
RJ Matetic, NIOSH

A model hearing conservation program
David Byrne, NIOSH

Administrative Controls

Avoiding overexposure at underground and surface mines and preparation plants
Dr. Eric Bauer, NIOSH

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Appropriate selection, use and wearing of hearing protection devices
Roberta Hudak, NIOSH

Worker Empowerment and Education

Hearing loss simulator and other motivatorsBob Randolph, NIOSH

Instructional and non-instructional noise safety training
Ed Barrett, NIOSH

Engineering Controls

Practical approaches to engineering noise controls
Dave Yantek, NIOSH

Assessing controls
Dr. Efrem Reeves, Acoustical Engineer, NIOSH

Coated Flight Bars & Mist System
Pete Kovalchik, NIOSH

Surface Drill Rigs
Dave Ingram, NIOSH


Four photographs of hearing loss research showing: A roof bolting machine being tested for sound power in the NIOSH Acoustic Test Facility; three workers wearing special headphones in the NIOSH mobile laboratory to test earplug protection levels; a NIOSH researcher measuring sound levels while a worker performs air-carbon-arc cutting; and an external view of the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Unit mobile laboratory.



Page last reviewed: September 20, 2012
Page last updated: September 7, 2012