Public Meeting: Amendments to Respirator Certification Fees – Tuesday, April 30, 2013
NIOSH Public Meeting Announcement
Issue Date: March 27, 2013
Subject: Public Meeting: Amendments to Respirator Certification Fees – Tuesday, April 30, 2013
NIOSH will hold a public meeting on the proposed Amendments to Respirator Certification Fees rule. The purpose of this meeting is to allow commenters to present information on the potential impacts of the rule on individual respirator manufacturers, the respirator market, or on those industries that rely on NIOSH approved respiratory equipment.
This meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 beginning at 10:00 a.m. EDT and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT or after the last public commenter has spoken, whichever is earlier.
This meeting will be held at the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, Three Parkway Center (Greentree), Pittsburgh, PA 15220. This meeting will also be available using Audio/LiveMeeting Conferencing, remote access capabilities where interested parties may participate over the internet.
Registration is required for both in-person and video conferencing participation. Because this meeting is being held at a Federal site, preregistration is required on or before April 26, 2013 and a government-issued photo ID will be required to obtain entrance to the facility. Non‐US citizens need to register on or before March 29, to allow sufficient time for mandatory facility security clearance procedures to be completed.
Registration for this meeting is now closed. Please email Judi Coyne for assistance.
A block of rooms at the government rate of $119 is available at the Doubletree Hotel by Hilton, 500 Mansfield Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205. The name of the block is NIOSH. Reservations may also be made by calling the hotel at (412) 922–8400.
Requests to make presentations at the public meeting should be mailed to the NIOSH Docket Office, Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS–C34, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226. Requests may also be submitted by telephone (513) 533–8611, facsimile (513) 533–8285, or e-mailed to All requests to present should contain the name, address, telephone number and relevant business affiliations of the presenter, and the approximate time requested for the presentation. Oral presentations should be limited to 15 minutes. After reviewing the requests for presentations, NIOSH will notify the presenter that his/her presentation is scheduled. If a participant is not in attendance when his/her presentation is scheduled to begin, the remaining participants will be heard in order. After the last scheduled speaker is heard, participants who missed their assigned times may be allowed to speak, limited by time available.
Attendees who wish to speak but did not submit a request for the opportunity to make a presentation may be given this opportunity after the scheduled speakers are heard, at the discretion of the presiding officer and limited by time available.